Tag: road

Puglia Top Wines Road Show: Apulian wines in Milan – Italian Cuisine

Puglia Top Wines Road Show: Apulian wines in Milan


The unmissable "metropolitan tour" of the Apulian wines organized by the Puglia Wine Tourism Movement to promote the wine excellences of the region is back

A week dedicated to Puglia and its wines, from 11 to 17 November, the best labels of MTV Puglia members will be the focus of a busy calendar of themed events in Milan's historic wine cellars.

The premises involved

There are thirteen wineries in the Lombard capital that will host the initiative: Cotti (Via Solferino, 42); Enoclub (Via Friuli, 15); El vinatt (Via
Leone Tolstoi, 49); Enoteca Diapason (Via Lomellina, 48); Franco's cellar (Via Raffaello Sanzio, 16); VinoVino since 1921 (Corso San Gottardo, 13); Wineria Winery (Via Carlo Caneva, 4 Sempione Area); Ronchi Ricciardi (Piazza Vesuvio, 12); Gran Cru (Corso Magenta,
32); Enoteca Hic (via Savona, 26); Vini & Sapori (via Vitruvio, 11); Wine (via G. Brentano); Wine O 'Clock (via Benedetto Marcello, 93).

Furthermore, edited by Eventi d´Autitore, four rooms will host sensory workshops led by wine and extra virgin olive oil sommeliers, dedicated to the native vines and cultivars of the region. First appointment at El Vinatt, Tuesday 12 November (17.00 – 19.30). The second is scheduled for Wednesday, November 13 at the Enoteca Hic Lab (17.00 – 20.00). It continues Thursday 14 November at the Enoteca Vini & Sapori (17.00 – 20.00) and closes at the Enoclub on Friday 15 November (17.00 – 20.00).

The unmissable appointments

A busy schedule that will come alive from the early hours of the afternoon of Monday 11 November, starting the Puglia Tasting Week in Milan.
In the afternoon at The Westin Palace Hotel of Milan (Piazza della Repubblica, 20), “Degusta la Puglia”, an in-depth event dedicated to the land of wine and the native vines of the region, created in collaboration with AIS Lombardia. On site from 15.30 to 20.30 the tasting tables of the member companies, with two special moments: the great walk around tasting, where AIS's sommelier and winelovers
Lombardy, operators in the sector and the press will be able to taste a selection of over 60 labels, combined with the Evo of the millers of Buonaterra – Tourism Movement of the Oil Puglia.

Simultaneously, from 16.00 to 18.00, will kick off the seminar reserved for journalists, traders and sommeliers, for a deepening of the wines and lands of Puglia through its great native vines: Primitivo, Negroamaro, Nero di Troia. He leads Sergio Libanore, official taster and speaker of the Italian Sommelier Association, with the participation of Maria Teresa Basile Varvaglione and Vittoria Cisonno, respectively president and director of the MTV Puglia. A true story of the history of the Apulian viticulture in three parts, through the vines and the typologies that have made the enology of the region great, between historical interpretations and modern interpretations.

Afterwards, from theory we will go on to practice with "IndoVino", the blind tasting conducted by the Deputy Director of the Puglia Wine Tourism Movement, Daniele Cirsone who will test the participants, inviting them to combine the olfactory descriptors with the relative native Apulian vines. The best noses will win a tribute by the Consortium.

Entrance to the seminar is by reservation, up to a maximum of 45 participants. Info and reservations on eventi@aismilano.it or at the following link: http://tiny.cc/DegustaMilano_AIS. All information and updates on scheduled events are available on the website and on the Movement's social media channels.


Oh my?

by Pam on July 7, 2014

… look at the mountain of laundry I have to do!

We just got back from a two week road trip in our motor home. I have lots of laundry to do then I’ll be back to cooking and posting recipes. I hope you are all enjoying your summer so far!

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay taking a ‘boys only’ motorbike…

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay taking a ‘boys only’ motorbike road trip

“David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay have been bosom buddies for as long as we can remember. And what do bosom buddies do? They ride their motorbikes into the sunset together, that’s what.

Dave and Gord are reportedly climbing aboard their trusty metal steeds and embarking on a road trip across the US of A.

The fellas are both road hog enthusiasts and are said to be planning on taking a trip across the Pacific Coast Highway.

The pair will drive 382 miles from Los Angeles to San Francisco in a “boy’s only” bonding excursion.”

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