Tag: ribs

Savory pie with ribs and saffron royale – Italian Cuisine


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Savory pie with ribs and saffron royale – Sale & Pepe

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Published 11/27/2021


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Aosta Valley-style ribs stuffed with ham and cheese – Italian Cuisine


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Aosta Valley ribs stuffed with ham and cheese – Sale & Pepe

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Posted on 10/22/2021


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Recipe ribs of beef with caper and mustard sauce – Italian Cuisine

Recipe ribs of beef with caper and mustard sauce


  • 1 kg 2 ribs of beef (3.5-4 cm thick)
  • 300 g milk
  • 140 g salted capers
  • 50 g clarified butter
  • rustic mustard
  • tarragon
  • dry white wine
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

Desalt the capers. Melt the clarified butter in a pan; add 60 g of capers, 1 tablespoon of oil, then the ribs: cook for 3 minutes on each side, sprinkling them continuously with the sauce.
Salt and pepper the ribs, finally place them on a grill and let them rest for 5 minutes, so that the juices are redistributed throughout the pulp.
Eliminate the capers and the cooking fat of the ribs from the pan and cook the remaining capers with 1/4 glass of wine, milk and 2 tablespoons of mustard for 3-4 minutes, obtaining a sauce.
Chop 1 tablespoon of tarragon and add it to the sauce. Serve it together with the ribs, cut into slices.


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