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AD: 38 products with a high "handmade" rate at auction on eBay – Italian Cuisine

AD: 38 products with a high "handmade" rate at auction on eBay


AD Italy and eBay join forces for an initiative dedicated to the tradition of "know-how"

From 11 to 18 January 2021, on the ebay.it website 38 pieces of design from the largest companies in the Made in Italy will be auctioned on eBay. The funds raised will be allocated toIstituto Marangoni Milano Design.

From Gaetano Pesce to Tobia Scarpa, from Gio Ponti to Paolo Venini: 38 pieces signed by the protagonists of the history of design, donated by the largest Made in Italy companies and auctioned on eBay.it to make a contribution to those who want to pass on the Italian tradition of "know-how": the initiative is of the monthly AD, which entirely dedicated the November edition to "handmade", as the title of the cover edited by Martino Gamper, internationally renowned designer-craftsman, also author of the "architectural scarf" that accompanies the magazine in a precious limited edition.

The issue recounted the evolution of high craftsmanship in the technological age, and its points of intersection with the digital world. In addition to reviewing the most interesting artisan realities, he focused on products with a high rate of "Handmade" of the great design companies. Just like the 38 that, donated by the respective companies, will go to auction on eBay from 11 to 18 January: the proceeds will be used to finance a special workshop open to students and alumni of Istituto Marangoni Milano Design, who in 2021 will be able to present projects of sustainable craftsmanship and see the prototypes of greatest potential physically made.

This initiative is part of eBay's broader strategy to support Italian excellence and companies in our area. Always a partner of SMEs, eBay has in fact been at their side in this particularly challenging year, promoting online commerce as a tool that can complement, now more than ever, the physical dimension and offer new opportunities to local businesses.
In addition to training projects together with Confcommercio and the Chambers of Commerce, an eBay-Confcommercio project for Italian villages was recently launched, with the aim of bringing companies from small villages online, helping them to open up to a pool of over 183 millions of active buyers globally on eBay and make known the traditions that their territories cherish.


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