Tag: person

In Sweden he opens a restaurant with only one table for one person – Italian Cuisine

In Sweden he opens a restaurant with only one table for one person


An idea born in full coronavirus emergency. The "locale" has only one covered area arranged in the middle of a field to host one customer at a time. And would you go there?

Typically al restaurant you go to make agastronomic experience, or not to cook, to try something different from the home kitchen, but also, and above all, to spend a different lunch or dinner, in couple or in company. But who knows, once theCovid-19 emergency, what will remain of this last convivial aspect, between tables that apparently cannot accommodate more than two people, which will have to be spaced or even separated by Plexiglas barriers.

In Sweden the restaurant with a table and chair for one customer at a time

Someone has already tried to imagine the after and invented a new formula. A pair of Swedish, Rasmus Persson (expert chef) and Linda Karlsson, will inaugurate a "local" called on May 10th Bord för en (or "table for one") and that consists in one table and one chair, accommodated in the middle of a field in the summer of a Swedish village. The idea of ​​the two is to create the first restaurant Covid-19 free, made completely safe through the maximum of social distance, or loneliness. No other customers, no waitresses. The guest will reach the table by himself thanks to the indications provided above, while the dishes will be served in a picnic basket through a rope connected to the kitchen window. In this way there will be no contact between the guest and the couple who will also take care of wash the dishes twice and of sanitize table and chair well for the next customer.

Seasonal cuisine, inner dialogue and free account

The menu will be composed of three courses, three vegetarian dishes based on seasonality such as the Swedish potato omelette, seaweed cream and caviar, the mashed yellow carrots and ginger, sweet potato croquettes and hazelnut butter and the blueberry pie with gin, frozen buttermilk and beet sugar . The sense of this approach, in the couple's intentions, is to give a moment of pleasantness in which to focus only on food, on oneself and on inner dialogue, away from pc, phone, tv and social distractions. And the amount of the bill is decided by the guest, because the goal "is certainly not to get rich with a restaurant from a table", but to show solidarity towards those who have found themselves in financial difficulties or have lost their jobs due emergency. Reservations are already open!


How not to look like a fat frump when pregnant

You will notice, because you are smart, that I almost never promote anything on this blog. “Oh it’s too much like hard work,” I say to the occasional food person who gets in touch wondering if I’d like a free packet of spelt. “I’m so lazy,” I say. “I’ll never get round to it, sorry.”

But the fact is that I’m not interested in food freebies. (Sometimes I wonder whether I’m interested in food full stop.) If I want something for free I will say to my husband: “I want some rare albino truffle please,” and he will make a phonecall and it will turn up on my doorstep and I won’t even have to write about it.

But clothes? Cloooooothes?? Special nice clothes for preggy ladies that don’t make you look fat or pinch your bump or squish your boobs?

“Do you want some?” asked my friend Celia. “From ME+EM. We want you to be a sort of brand ambassador.”

“FUCK YEAH” I screamed. I didn’t even stop to say “Oh but why me? I’m so shit and fat and ugly. You don’t want me, you want someone more glamorous and interesting.” No, I did NOT say that, I just asked how much stuff I could have. Should I hire a parcel van to drive to the shop? Because I can do one on my Addison Lee app…

Then I immediately started to fret about it, as I always do. That the clothes wouldn’t fit or wouldn’t be nice and I would take a lot and then not wear them but have to be nice about them anyway. And then I would break our special bond, the one where I tell you the absolute truth about absolutely everything and don’t try and sell you anything, ever.

Don’t worry. I am not leading you a merry dance. This shit is for real. It’s amazing. There are dresses here that make you look, if you’re under, say, 20-24 weeks like you’re not pregnant. Especially from the front. And after that, they just expand like magic so even though you look like a Sherman tank, you feel comfy.

Pregnancy wear is mostly so so horrible. Massive floaty things with a big print. But this is all terrifically chic. And THE best long-length jersey vests and long-sleeved t-shirts EVAH.


These are the things I got, which are particularly excellent and I recommend to you, pregnant or not. More original, I think, and better fabrics than Isabella Oliver or Seraphine – though God bless them both, eh? Where would we be without them.

On the ME+EM website they do a thing where they use skinny models for all the clothes, so you can’t really imagine how they would work on a massive pregnant arse and giant blobby tits, so this is my edit for anyone with a blubbery mess to cover up.

Just think of me like a very badass Gwyneth Paltrow, yeah?

Almost all of this comes in different colours and is available HERE. The sizing is very generous. I am 5’6” and weigh in at 10 stone 3.5 and fit into a small.

Crepe swing dress. MAKES YOU LOOK NOT PREGNANT. £104. You will wear it everywhere and it’s crepe so it won’t get bobbles.

Tuck neck swing dress. This is just so cool, such a nice shape. Great with long boots, ankle boots or little slippers. £115. I will be wearing this on Christmas Day.

Extra long layer T. The last word in long-length long-sleeved tops. Soft as a kitten. £42. There are also excellent vests at £19 each. Fucking BARGAIN.

V-neck box pleat dress. Very similar to one at Isabella Oliver but a nicer colour, a more slimming fit and less expensive at £104

An amazing thing. If you only get one thing when you are pregnant, get this. It is sort of drapey and concealing without being heavyweight so you don’t end up looking like a piece of soft furniture. It also has lovely long sleeves. I plan to wear mine until it has holes in it. Knit sleeve 3/4 jacket – £119

And a snood. Because I’ve decided that I hate scarves. Wide rib snood – £68

Happy shopping and have a great weekend.


Gordon Ramsay: Essential Foods Every Refrigerator Should Have…

Gordon Ramsay: Essential Foods Every Refrigerator Should Have (Video)

Gordon Ramsay believes you can learn everything you need to know about a person by looking in his refrigerator. “It says a lot about character and how you live on a daily basis,” says the Michelin-starred chef (and host of Fox’s ‘Kitchen Nightmares’ and ‘Hell’s Kitchen’). So what is his fridge never without? On the list is everything from staples like eggs and Parmesan cheese (“grated cheese and lemon juice over penne is delicious,” he says) to indulgences like crème fraîche and pink champagne (“always goes down well”). For the complete list, watch the video above.

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