Tag: Pasta sauce

Tagliatelle and watercress sauce

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  • Serves: 4

  • Prep time: 5 mins

  • Cooking time: 10 mins

  • Total time: 15 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

This is a really healthy pasta sauce that can be whipped up in a matter of minutes. It is so light and refreshing and incredibly simple to make. Serve with fresh salad leaves or bulk up with smoked bacon or leftover chicken to turn this light dish into a hearty meal that the whole family can enjoy. Perfect for dinner and lunch, fresh tagliatelle is best.


  • 300g Tagliatelle
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 tbsp capers
  • 5oz watercress
  • 6tbsp olive oil
  • Zest and juice of 1 lemon
  • Salt and pepper

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Why not try adding some fresh green vegetables to this recipe to add extra bite?


  1. Put a large pan of salted water on to boil and cook the tagliatelle according to the packets instructions.
  2. Whilst the pasta is cooking take the capers, watercress, lemon juice, zest, garlic clove, olive oil and blend in the food processor until it creates a creamy sauce.
  3. Drain the pasta, stir though the sauce, warm through, season and serve.

By Nicolette Lafonseca-Hargreaves

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Pan Sauce "Bordelaise" – She Sears Strip Scraps by the Seashore

Say that five times fast! As promised, here’s the pan sauce you saw me dragging those perfectly trimmed chunks of NY strip through in our Manhattan filet video. As I say in the intro, this isn’t truly a bordelaise, but it’s close enough for YouTube, and absolutely delicious.

Of course, one could argue it would be smarter to use the strip scraps for something like pasta sauce or chili, and you’d get no argument from me; but if you want to put your Manhattan filet experience over the top, this is a more than a worthwhile sacrifice.

I used chicken broth, but if you can find veal stock (check your more expensive grocery stores) that makes this already gorgeous sauce even better. Just be careful with the salt if you’re using broth from a carton. Because we are reducing (and reducing again), an overly salty stock could become inedible. Since I know someone one will ask, I’ll tell you right now; I threw out the meat scraps after they were strained. Why? I don’t have a dog.

Once those tiny pieces of meat are simmered for that long, they’re completely tasteless, and certainly not good eats. But hey, you guys are the Bobby Flays of your faux “Bordelaise,” so suit yourself (didn’t think of this one until after the audio was done). Also, if you don’t have, or can’t have red wine, don’t make this sauce. If you do, and you give our Manhattan filets a go, I hope you give this great pan sauce a try as well. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 generous or 4 smaller portions of sauce:
8 ounces trimmed beef scraps, chopped fine
1/4 cup sliced shallots
pinch of salt
1/2 cup red wine (something from Bordeaux would be nice)
2 cups rich chicken broth (unsalted or low-sodium) or veal stock
salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp cold butter

Spaghetti Bolognese recipes

Goodtoknow TV

Free & easy recipe video: Watch new how-to recipe videos with goodtoknow and Woman’s Weekly see all videos >

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  2. After 40 years, this spaghetti Bolognese recipe is still a favourite in many households. Taken from a May 1971 Woman’s…

  3. A crunchy-topped family pasta bake that’s ready in just half an hour. Delicious! Get your ingredients together and watch…

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Spaghetti Bolognese recipes

You can’t beat a good spag bol, the classic Italian recipe makes a quick and easy family meal. Learn how to make a simple spaghetti Bolognese with our easy recipes. We have lots of different spaghetti Bolognese recipes from a classic spaghetti Bolognese recipe to vegetarian spaghetti Bolognese recipes and even a healthy recipe from Slimming World. Your favourite spaghetti Bolognese recipes are:



Psst! If you want to try something different, take a look at our 15 spaghetti Bolognese recipes with a twist.

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    Total time: 2 hrs 30 mins

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  • Try this low-fat, full-flavour spaghetti Bolognese from the Slimming World Diet.

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  • Turkey is a great healthy alternative to beef and this recipe also gives your 2 of your 5-a-day. For an extra…

  • Perfect for sneaking veg into the kids’ dinner, this easy spaghetti Bolognese recipe takes 30 mins to simmer,…

  • Spaghetti Bolognese is a real classic pasta dish. The pork adds a great meaty texture to the sauce, making it…

  • Adding lots of vegetables to the sauce makes this spaghetti Bolognese an easy all-in-one meal – and less fattening!

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  • This meat-free spaghetti Bolognese is so full of flavour even the meat lovers will want it too

  • This family favourite is made even more tasty with a can of Heinz Beanz.

  • This meat-free spaghetti Bolognese is so full of flavour even the meat lovers will want it too

  • Adding lots of vegetables to the sauce makes this spaghetti Bolognese an easy all-in-one meal – and less fattening!

  • This vegetarian spaghetti Bolognese is a quick, easy and tasty pasta dish without the mince normally included…

  • Try this low-fat, full-flavour spaghetti Bolognese from the Slimming World Diet.

  • Spaghetti Bolognese is a real classic pasta dish. The pork adds a great meaty texture to the sauce, making it…

  • Perfect for sneaking veg into the kids’ dinner, this easy spaghetti Bolognese recipe takes 30 mins to simmer,…

  • Turkey is a great healthy alternative to beef and this recipe also gives your 2 of your 5-a-day. For an extra…

  • This family favourite pasta is ready in just 25 minutes and perfect for those mid-week nights when you fancy…

  • This family favourite is made even more tasty with a can of Heinz Beanz.

  • At only 92p per portion, this Bolognese sauce with baked beans, cheese and stock, is delicious with pasta, rice…

  • After 40 years, this spaghetti Bolognese recipe is still a favourite in many households. Taken from a May 1971…

  • Research claims that busy mums only cook a rota of 6 or 7 family meals, rarely having time to try anything new.…

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