Tag: pasta dish

Top pasta recipes for May

We’ve rounded up your top pasta recipes for this month which includes some healthy new options and some the old favourites you just can’t seem to get enough of!

From carbonara to fruity pasta salad, if you fancy transforming your average pasta dish into a flavour-packed masterpiece, then you’ve come to the right place.

Pasta is such a versatile ingredient that can be turned into all sorts of delicious dishes that the whole family can enjoy – from low-calorie spaghetti Bolognese to a vegetarian pasta bake.

If you see a recipe that you’d like to try making yourself, save it in your very own online recipe book. It’s simple to set up – all you have to do is sign in via Facebook and start saving!

Click through our gallery to see your top pasta recipes for May 2013

Linguine with creamy lemon and mint dressing

  • Serves: 4

  • Prep time: 15 mins

  • Cooking time: 3 mins

  • Total time: 18 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips


A low fat dressing for pasta that packs a punch on flavour with the zest of lemon and the freshness of mint. This pasta dish makes a delicious starter for 6 or a summery accompaniment to serve with poached fish or grilled chicken.

Top pasta recipes for March

If you’re not sure what to make for dinner this month, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve rounded up your top pasta recipes for March 2013 and popped them all in one place just for you.

From lasagnes to healthy low-cal alternatives to classic dishes, from kids’ favourite macaroni cheese to homemade pasta made from scratch, we have plenty of recipes to choose from this month so if you’re in need of some inspiration, look no further.

There’s always a bag of pasta sitting in the cupboard and it’s the perfect ingredient for experimenting with. Boil, drain and add some homemade sauce, a handful of spinach, some tender cooked chicken and ta-da – you’ve got yourself a delicious dinner which the kids won’t turn their noses up at.

It’s super quick to cook too and on average a pasta dish can take 20 mins to cook which is ideal if you want to spend less time in the kitchen and more time with your feet up watching your favourite TV show.

See something you like? Don’t forget to save all your favourite recipes into your online recipe book – it’ll make shopping for the ingredients so much easier! Make sure you share all your foodie creations with us on Facebook and Twitter too.

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