Tag: omega

Today we try to cook mackerel, a fish rich in omega 3 – Italian Cuisine


A little known and used fish, however, source of an important quantity of healthy nutrients, including the famous omega 3 polyunsaturated fats. Do we learn to work it and bring it to the table?

It is one of the least valued fish of all, and this is really a shame because it is mackerel it is an incredible source of good fats, the famous ones Omega 3, essential to keep cardiovascular diseases away. And then he has firm and tasty meats and cooking in many easy and fast ways. Do we discover them together?

Not only fish, the foods richest in omega 3

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Mackerel, this stranger

Mackerel is part of the so-called family blue fish and it is wrongly considered a fish of little value. In the Mediterranean there are two species: lo common mackerel, also called lacerto, and the Spanish mackerel, both with the ventral part of a silvery white color and the bluish back, stained with black streaks. These are small and medium-sized fish that live in deep waters. The best time to enjoy them is from November to March, but they are on the market all year round.

How to clean it

Mackerels are cleaned in just a few steps: first get yourself a sharp knife and kitchen scissors. Practice a cut on the abdomen, eviscerate it and wash it under running water. With the cut scissors via the fins on the side and then always with the knife, detach the central bone, making sure that it does not remain attached to the pulp. With the scissors cut the ends and then with a pair of tweezers remove them any smaller bones left in the fish. Rinse it and dry it with a sheet of absorbent paper.

Mackerel in the kitchen

Fried, in oil, stuffed, barbecued, marinated and stewed: there are many ways to bring mackerel rich in healthy and tasty nutrients to the table. Its meat, firm and intense flavor should be cooked very little, otherwise it takes on a bitter taste. Being devoid of scales, it is cleaned by rubbing it under running water. Mackerel in oil is used like tuna and is brought to the table con raw, grilled vegetables and stuffed eggs.

In the tutorial, find out how to cook mackerel


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