Tag: nutmeg

Just a few steps for crepes with a creamy and aromatic centre – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Just a few steps for crepes with a creamy and aromatic centre


If you are looking for a tasty and refined dish to prepare easily, i crepe parcels with spinach, ricotta and nutmeg they are the ideal choice. The creamy heart, where cheese, vegetables and aromas mix, is enclosed in a chest of pasta, soft and consistent, for a quick and easy recipe all to try


If you don’t like spinach or want to try different flavors, you can replace it with grilled courgettes, artichokes in oil, asparagus or mushrooms. Add further flavor by incorporating a filling onto the surface of the crepes before folding them into a bundle. For example, you can spread some basil pesto or cream cheese.


Tart with cinnamon cream and nutmeg – Italian Cuisine

Tart with cinnamon cream and nutmeg



1) Pour the flour on a pastry board and quickly mix the butter cold into small pieces with your fingertips, so as to obtain a crumb mixture. Form a fountain, create a hollow in the center and add it sugar, the egg, i yolks and a pinch of salt. Form a ball, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for 1 hour.

2) Dissolve in a saucepan la cinnamon and a scratch of nutmeg with very little milk, then add the rest of the milk and the cream and heat; remove from heat and let it rest.

3) Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to a thickness of 4-5 mm and transfer it to a 26 cm diameter tart mold; trim the excess dough (it will be used for decorations), prick the bottom with a fork and transfer the mold to the fridge for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, cut out some snowflakes from the leftover dough and arrange them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. brush them with the beaten egg yolk with a few drops of water or milk.

4) Cover the base with pastry with a wet and wrung sheet of baking paper, pour a handful of dried legumes and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Cook the biscuits at the same time until they are golden; then remove the baking paper with the legumes and cook the pastry base for another 10 minutes.

5) Whip the egg yolks with the egg and the sugar, add the milk with the cinnamon flavored cream and heat again. Pour the mixture into the base and continue cooking by lowering the temperature to 160 ° for another 20-25 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool. Sprinkle some snowflakes with it powdered sugar, others with cinnamon and use them to decorate the cake.


All recipes in which nutmeg is not optional – Italian Cuisine


There are recipes in which nutmeg cannot be missed. Here are our tips and 10 recipes to explore their aromatic potential

Do I wear it or do I wear it? He is not at home, he does the same.
When we enter the kitchen we become masters of a universe of traditions, habits and ideas that we feel we can manage freely. We add, we remove, we neglect and we interpret making every dish our own. This is precisely the key that turns a simple domestic affair into a special moment.
But the art of removing must be studied, because it often exposes our dishes to not convince to the end. And the nutmeg is the right ingredient to understand what we are talking about.
This spice, in fact, is often present in the ingredients of the recipes, so present as to appear obvious. But it is not. In fact, we will discover that some recipes have a need not to be underestimated and that they would not be the same without the sprinkling of nutmeg. Enough.

nutmeg (2)

The combinations

To avoid mistakes, let's start with some certainties stolen from regional traditions. Where nutmeg is often used to make potatoes, onions, spinach, pumpkin, ricotta, eggs and meat fillings even better.
To obtain an even more intense spicy effect, it can be combined with cloves.

Where is a must

After discovering the ingredients that go along with it, let's move on to recipes where it should not be missing. That is all those preparations that require it almost like a basic ingredient. So before you start cooking and preparing these dishes, make sure you have it at home.

Bechamel: here we want and we can decide to dose it according to the use we have to do. If we want to use it as a sauce to dress tagliatelle with shelled sausage, for example, we can easily abound. For delicate preparations, on the other hand, a smaller dose will suffice.

Mashed potatoes: this is a very simple recipe that however needs to be respected in detail to give a good result in consistency and flavor. Among the secrets for a mashed potato bis, we find precisely the nutmeg that will be added along with the milk.

Potato croquettes: this recipe follows the requirements of the one above. Those who love the taste of this spice, can add a sprinkle of it even on the surface of the croquettes before frying them.

Glazed onions: when preparing this little bittersweet masterpiece, don't forget to make it even more special with a sprinkling of nutmeg.

Baked pumpkin: pumpkin, breadcrumbs, butter, salt and nutmeg. Simple and delicious.

Potato soufflé: among the ingredients we also find the bechamel. You decide whether to prepare it very spicy or sprinkle the walnut later, when you mix it with potatoes and eggs.

Tortellini with meat: we find ourselves in front of the typical "grandmother's plate". And she, who knows how to move well in the kitchen, always adds a pinch of this spice to the meat filling.

Meatballs: whether they are meat or vegetables, they love to be enriched with this spice. The more they are rich in bread soaked in milk, the more you can put it without fearing that it is cloying.


The recipes

And now that we know where we can't help it, here are some recipes in the gallery to explore the aromatic potential of nutmeg. Ten preparations that include appetizers, first courses, second courses and a drink that will captivate you.

Rösti with stracchino and raw ham
Rösti with stracchino and raw ham.

Our recipes


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