Tag: noise

Invitation to dinner with noise: how to kill a beautiful evening – Italian Cuisine

Invitation to dinner with noise: how to kill a beautiful evening


Food and furnishings are not the only strengths of a restaurant. Invisible to sight and taste, noise is one of the most underestimated factors in interior design. And it determines the fate of a dinner and an entire venue

It's not a craze, you're not getting old, you're not impatient. Whether it's a romantic evening, a business lunch or a dinner with friends, eating well is not just a question of food. We are sorry for the chefs who, focusing only on the menu, customers choose using the five senses. And the taste is not the only one to be fundamental: at the restaurant you don't go just to eat.

The noise kills the satisfaction more than the food

According to a survey by Doxa, more than one Italian out of two goes out to relax, 42% to feel good and switch off, 30% do it for the company, 26% for a gastronomic experience and only 13 % organize an evening with friends by looking at the menu. Does food not count? Sure, but nobody is willing to ignore a bad place, rude service or the chaos around them. Even the eye wants its part and the statistics tell us that even the ears are involved in the culinary experience (much more than you think). As many as 58% of the people said they were nervous about the noise, and counting that only 7% were interested in the ubiquitous open kitchens, restaurant architects should ask themselves questions.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

In certain places you feel so bad that you find it hard to talk, you don't understand who you have on the other side of the table and conversing becomes a physical effort. You can expect it at the disco, but when the buzz in the background becomes the star of the evening at the restaurant, you end up running away looking for a quieter place – and it's hard to go back a second time.

Panels, partitions, sound-absorbing curtains, there are many and different solutions.

Little is thought about acoustics, but barrel vaults, high ceilings and spacious rooms so beautiful to look at turn into an own goal in terms of hospitality. A little we underestimate the problem, a bit it is difficult to measure the potential noise in the design phase, and then we end up running for cover when the place is already started. The consultants and installers of Caimi Brevetti are well aware of this, a protagonist in the furniture and design sector for seventy years, who have developed technologies capable of optimizing the acoustics of different environments.
Panels, partitions, sound-absorbing curtains, there are many and different tools that can be used to solve the problem of noise in a definitive, simple and rapid way, both in new environments and in existing ones. Thanks to specific consultancy and special measures by Caimi Brevetti, they identify the best solution for every situation, even without expensive building works or radical redesigns, and without damaging the aesthetics of the room. The new panels are designed by top designers, lightweight and flexible modules, real wall sculptures – which furnish the eye as well as the hearing.


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