Tag: Mushroom

Mushroom skewers – Recipe by – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Mushroom skewers - Recipe by Misya


Clean the pleurotus by delicately removing the soil, then cut them into pieces.

Also clean the champignons and separate the stems from the heads.

Prepare the marinade by mixing oil, garlic, lemon juice, maple syrup, oregano, chopped parsley, salt and pepper in a large bowl.

Add all the mushrooms to the bowl and mix gently, then leave to rest for 1 hour at room temperature.

Assemble the skewers alternating champignons and pleurotus.

Cook on the red-hot grill for about 20 minutes, turning them every now and then to cook them evenly on all sides and brushing them with the leftover marinade.

The mushroom skewers are ready, serve them immediately.


Mushroom roast – ‘s recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Mushroom roast - Misya's recipe


First of all, if you haven’t bought it already tied, tie the meat with kitchen twine (here’s the guide on how to do it best).
Season the oil in a saucepan with garlic and rosemary, then add the roast from all sides, so as to seal in the bulk of the juices, then add the wine and season with salt and pepper.

Cover the meat with water (or broth) up to half and continue cooking for about 2 hours, turning it about every 30 minutes.

In the meantime, soak the dried mushrooms in hot water for at least 30 minutes.
Separately, clean the fresh mushrooms and cut them into pieces and, once the dried mushrooms have been drained, add them to the fresh ones.

About 30 minutes before the end of cooking, before turning it for the last time, add the mushrooms around the meat, then complete cooking.

Wrap the roast in aluminum foil and let the roast rest for at least 5-10 minutes.
In the meantime, let the cooking juices dry.

Remove the foil and string and cut the meat into slices.

The mushroom roast is ready, all you have to do is serve it with all the mushrooms on the side.


Potato and mushroom pie, a vegan option for a lunch full of flavours – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Potato and mushroom pie, a vegan option for a lunch full of flavours


The potato and mushroom pie offers a sublime combination of the velvety consistency of potatoes and the aromatic richness of mushrooms. It’s about a vegan recipedelicately prepared, which stands out for its refined simplicity, suitable for those looking for a meat-free dish, but without sacrificing taste, satisfying the desire for comfort food and strong flavours.


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