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Weather forecast for April 25th and what to cook – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Weather forecast for April 25th and what to cook


After the Easter long weekend, it’s time for other days of celebration for Italians. But what do they say? weather forecast for April 25th? Because sun or rain changes the plans of us cooks a lot! Well, we have to tell you that the traditional April 25 picnic might be unstable.

What’s the weather like on April 25th?

To find out what they say weather forecast for April 25th, we relied on the meteo.it press agency, which reports very clearly what the trend will be. “Between Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 April the disturbance arriving from Scandinavia should also affect the Centre-South. Its transit will be accompanied by a new influx of cold airwith temperatures that will remain average or even below: the climate should be particularly cool for the season, particularly in the northern and central regions.

According to the current weather trend, Thursday On April 25th the disturbance will bring residual rainfall to the middle Adriatic and the south before finally moving away from Italy in the second part of the day. The weather trend for the following days and the long weekend of April 25th is still very uncertain: according to the latest updates, a rather cold climate for the season, with temperatures average or even below.”

What to cook on April 25th?

Since the weather in Italy is uncertain or even rainy, the menu for April 25th really has no limits. In practice, if you can indulge in the classic picnic in the meadows or on the beach green light for gourmet sandwiches, pasta salads, parmigianas, grills and barbecues without too many problems. In reverse, the rest of Italy may have to give up going out in the open airbut if you have a sheltered balcony or terrace you might still be able to cook two ribs on the grill!

Our suggestion when the weather is uncertain it is best to choose to prepare recipes which, in the event of an unexpected awakening with the sun, can be quickly transported. Today you could cook lasagna, parmesan, savory pies, tarts, tiramisu, which if lucky can be put in Tupperware.

Otherwise, for those who choose to be cautious anyway, we recommend a hearty first course, followed by Sunday roast meatballs accompanied by fried vegetables, and an excellent dessert such as trifle.

Here are many recipes for your April 25th


Recipes with asparagus: from appetizer to side dish – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


They are the great protagonists of spring: you know how to cook asparagus? With a very intense flavor (not everyone likes it, in fact) and very versatile in the kitchen, asparagus can therefore be used from appetizers to side dishes, through to truly exquisite first courses, always making a great impression. Below, we offer you some recipe to cook them in an original way; in the gallery, however, some tips on techniques to prepare them in the best possible way and then many of our recipes.

Asparagus: tips for treating them correctly

How to cook asparagus?

1) Bruschetta with asparagus


  • 1 baguette
  • 150 g of raw ham
  • 1 bunch of asparagus
  • 1 jar of mustard
  • 10 small eggs
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Salt to taste


  1. Boil the eggs, while cleaning the asparagus, removing the hardest part of the stem. Then, boil them in salted water and once drained, sauté them in the pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and the garlic clove.
  2. Now slice the baguette diagonally and toast the slices obtained in a non-stick pan, making them golden.
  3. It’s time to assemble the bruschetta: spread the slice with a thin layer of mustard, then place a slice of ham, two asparagus and two slices of hard-boiled egg. Serve.

2) Asparagus and shrimp risotto


  • 340 g of Carnaroli rice
  • 16 prawns
  • 80 g of grated parmesan
  • ½ white onion
  • vegetable broth to taste
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 1 bunch of asparagus
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • butter
  • Lemon peel
  • Salt and Pepper To Taste


  1. Clean the asparagus, removing the hard stem. Remove the tips, leaving them aside, while cut the stems into pieces.
  2. Heat the broth, while in a saucepan, fry the onion in extra virgin olive oil.
  3. Toast the rice, add the white wine and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Now add the asparagus cut into pieces and then the broth, little by little. Cook the rice, and in another pan sauté the prawns with the asparagus tips.
  5. When the rice is cooked, stir in a knob of butter and the grated cheese, also adding the sautéed prawns with the asparagus. Serve it, sprinkling it with freshly ground pepper and a pinch of lemon zest.


No-cook menu: 5 recipes to make without using energy – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

No-cook menu: 5 recipes to make without using energy


Turning off the gas and not turning on the oven doesn’t mean you’re eating badly, quite the opposite. Don’t you believe it? We prove it to you with this menu without cooking. On the other hand, due to the increases in gas and electricity prices in recent years – according to Legacoop and Ipsos – more than 6 out of 10 Italians have reduced electricity and gas consumption. And according to Coldiretti almost 1 in 5 Italians has drastically reduced the use of stoves, preferring alternative cooking methods or products that do not need to be cooked. It’s worth a try, right? We guarantee the result.

The 5 golden tips for saving energy in the kitchen

There are some precautions that you should absolutely adopt if you want to reduce your consumption. Here are the 5 fundamentals:

  1. Choose low energy impact appliances.
  2. Use the oven carefully: do not open it continuously, do not let it preheat for too long before inserting food and, if possible, cook several dishes at the same time on different shelves of the oven: the ventilated function allows cooking evenly on each shelf. You can also turn off the oven a few minutes before: the heat will remain high for a long time.
  3. The microwave it is a valid alternative for some cooking methods, especially models with more advanced functions.
  4. You have the air fryer? Make use of it. It reaches temperature quickly and due to the smaller size of the basket compared to the oven the food cooks more quickly.
  5. And once the cooking is finished? Use the dishwasher always on the eco programmeif your model is equipped with it, e fully loaded.

What about gas?

There are also many ways to save on gas: use the pressure cookerwhich reduces cooking times, always bring the water to the boil with the pot closed with lid, choose passive cooking not only for pasta but also for many other foods – you can find everything in our article “Cooking with the heat off: not just pasta!”,

No-cook menu: from appetizer to dessert without consuming energy

Who knows how many of you turned up your nose at the idea of ​​a no-cook menu. Yet who knows how many times you have enjoyed a good carpaccio – of meat, but also fish -, a tartare or you have sunk your fork into a delicious salad. Of course, it may be more difficult for you to think of first courses without cooking, but we have the solution for that too. Did you know that pre-cooked couscous can be rehydrated even with the stove turned off?


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