Tag: Meghan

Diet and pregnancy: the real example of Meghan Markle – Italian Cuisine

Diet and pregnancy: the real example of Meghan Markle


Royal Baby coming for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The sister-in-law of Queen Elizabeth II follows a healthy and rigid diet during pregnancy that can be of advice to all future mothers

Meghan Markle and the Prince Harry they wait for their first child, the Royal Babyor maybe we need to talk about it in the plural as rumors signal the expectation of twins. The answer will come in spring, around mid-April, when the former actress will give birth to Lindo Wing, the maternity ward of the prestigious Paddington hospital, London, where the sons of Lady Diana, Kate Middleton and his sister Pippa. I do not leave home or another hospital, so after the British newspapers found out that the Lindo Wing staff were asked not to take leave in April, an eloquent coincidence. Meanwhile, the Duchess of Sussex is in New York for her baby shower with all the friends of all time, including Amal Clooney and the former colleague of Suits, Abigail Spencer, probably the last intercontinental trip to then return to London awaiting the happy event. Announced last October, the actual pregnancy involves very precise rules, including one rigid diet for the health of mother and child.

Meghan Markle and her husband Harry on an official visit (Instagram @kensigntonroyal).

According to the English press, Meghan Markle he had to give up many of his favorite foods that instantly become off-limits during the 9-month wait. If we could invite her to dinner, we would gladly cook her beloved french fries or the nostalgic mac and cheese, but it is important to check the added weight of pregnancy and not to indulge in dishes that are too fat or have a strong caloric intake. It will not be difficult for the sister-in-law of the Queen Elizabeth II keep fit as it normally follows a diet that is very attentive to calories. In fact, we have seen her participate in official events in these months, always smiling, elegant and in great shape with the growing growth of her tummy. Of course, even for Prince Harry's wife alcoholic beverages, soft unpasteurized cheeses and raw foods are strictly prohibited like sushi or rare steak.

Meghan Markle visiting the Brinsworth House (Instagram @theroyalfamily).

When he's not traveling, Meghan Markle she loves cooking at her Nottingham Cottage residence at Kensington Palace, as her friends told "People". An excellent strategy that allows you to keep every recipe under control, avoiding risks and carefully choosing the origin of each ingredient. Vegetables, fruit, carbohydrates is protein, the mum-to-be can devote himself completely to his health and that of the child through a balanced and controlled cuisine. Moreover, as he has released to Eye Swoon, as a good Californian loves to cook everything that is fresh and healthy. The practice of. Is also of great help yoga, an activity that has been following for some time and which allows it to be flexible and agile without getting tired too much.

Meghan Markle and chef Clare Smyth at Hubb Community Kitchen (Instagram @kensigntonroyal).

Also for Meghan Markle uncontrollable desires come, what the English call pregnancy cravings. At InTouch, we discover that Prince Harry is careful to have them always available chocolate and candies, even if it is she herself who maintains control of the regime without exaggerating. What to say? Meghan Markle, one of us!

The Duke and the Duchess of Sussex visit the Bristol Old Vic Theater (Instagram @kensigntonroyal).


The menu of Queen Elizabeth II, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle – Italian Cuisine

The menu of Queen Elizabeth II, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle


Going to discover the eating habits and favorite dishes of Queen Elizabeth II, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, here is the real menu that we would offer them from appetizers to desserts!

Imagine inviting the Queen Elizabeth II, Kate Middleton is Meghan Markle for a lunch or dinner. It would be a table to say the least interesting: each of the royal guests with stories certainly pleasing and, why not, intriguing to tell. Starting from His Majesty and his 67 years of reign sprinkled with important events up to the anecdotes on the set of Suits (the TV series in which Harry's wife acted) or the secret adventures in college with William … in short, they would have something to do with stimulating chatter! Or we could have fun dreaming of be the chef of Buckingham Palace and having to manage the historical kitchens of the royal family; after all, Carnival is not far! In both cases, what should we not miss on the table to satisfy the royal palate?

Traditional cuisine for Elizabeth II

First of all, two very important rules not to be underestimated that reminds us Kiersten Hickman: the first is to follow the Queen leaving her the right to sit down at the table, the second to start and finish the meal with her (and hurry up: otherwise you risk not finish what you have in the pot). This royal etiquette it gives us one more reason to serve Elizabeth's favorite foods, which have been revealed to the subjects of Darren McGrady in his best seller Eating Royally. The former court chef calls Her Majesty not exactly a kitchen enthusiast, rather a person who simply "eats to live", very disciplined and with an eye to the line, which she maintains thanks to the rule no-starch, ie no starches, avoiding, then pasta, rice and potatoes (a source of disappointment with Meghan Markle, it seems). If McGrady reveals the pleasure for the gin-based cocktails or the passion for the dark chocolate, is John Higgins to affirm to the "National Post" that during his work at Buckingham Palace the royal fridges always had a good supply of mango, fruit loved by the Queen. From the "Telegraph", on the other hand, Owen Hodgson declares that His Majesty loves thewell cooked roast with mushrooms and side dish marmite, The spreadable cream based on brewer's yeast extract that can never be lacking in an English kitchen. One last trick is thegarlic, which is particularly unwelcome and therefore absolutely prohibited in any recipe!

(Instagram photo @theroyalfamily).

Italian-style Sgarro for Kate Middleton

To make happy Kate Middleton it takes very little: his favorite dish is the Pizza! During an official visit to a school in Islington, London, last January, we saw her smile satisfied with her hands literally in paste. He declared to cook pizza herself with the help of her children Charlotte is George, also their fans of the Italian dish. On that occasion, a funny anecdote about the Queen: a child asked the Duchess of Cambridge if the mother-in-law likes the pizza unwittingly in difficulty: "It's a good question I can not answer … The next time I see her I'll ask her". Moreover, as we said before, His Majesty does not allow carbohydrates at the table and actually the choice leads to excellent results given his iron health. Remove from the list, normally Kate Middleton prefers aprotein nutrition, healthy, without fats and sugars; to prepare for his wedding with William he had followed the Dukan Diet. Fruit pies or mixed fruit salad they are his favorite desserts, not to be missed at the table!

(Photo Yui Mok / PA Images via Getty Images).

All American for Meghan Markle

As for the sister in law, also the Duchess of Sussex follows a strict diet with few sugars and zero fats. The woman from the thinner ankles of Hollywood has every intention of maintaining her slender physical form that we have admired since the wedding in white Givenchy designed by her friend Claire Waight Keller. The transition from set to court commitments has been quite natural: it is always impeccable next to her husband Harry, to whom he has changed eating habits. Even for the red prince, just coffee, alcohol and meat. In fact, the 36 year old eats food plant-based during the week and leave the weekend for some concession like the roast chicken. But there is a dish that Meghan Markle has difficulty giving up: le fries! In fact, he declared: "I can not wait to have lunch with friends so I can order French fries and share them with everyone". Another dish that reminds you of childhood is mac and cheese, who likes to prepare herself with the addition of peas.

(Instagram photo @theroyalfamily)

Browse the gallery to discover the fantastic menu for Queen Elizabeth II, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle!


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