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The top 10 of Christmas foods that are most popular on social media – Italian Cuisine

Christmas tortellini


They receive shares and appreciation: we discover together which Christmas foods are more successful on social networks. Are they also your favorites?

You are preparing, the menu It is decided, the expenditure is almost done, the divisions between family and invited also. The Christmas it is always closer and is inevitably synonymous with great binges. Each region, but also every family, has its own Christmas traditions, yet there are some dishes and ingredients that are more appreciated than others just about anywhere. He proves it a monitoring conducted by Espresso Communication for Vitavigor, the historic brand of Milan breadsticks, which has classified the hashtag of the most popular Christmas delicacies on Instagram. Let's find out then the top 10 of the most loved Christmas foods on social media.

The 10 most loved Christmas foods on Instagram

If the customs change, this ranking shows us how Italians continue to love tradition. In fact, on the podium of the top 10 we find the lasagna, which triumph in the menu 2.0 with 570,903 dedicated posts on Instagram. There are those who love those at the meat sauce, who instead prefers different versions, like the lasagna with vegetables or al fish. In second place there can only be the panettone, a dessert that is the true symbol of Christmas and that is often accompanied by mascarpone creams is icing of various kinds. The top 3 i closes tortellini, a great classic, to eat with the broth or dry.

Leave the first three positions, continue in the standings: follow, in fourth place, the Pandoro, a typical Veronese dessert that has always been a great panettone antagonist, while on the fifth it is placed lentils, the dish of New Year. At the sixth and seventh we have respectively dried fruit is Nougat, ideal to complete the meals of the Holidays. The eighth is occupied by breadsticks, who win an exclusive place in the trash bin bread of the period of the Holidays, as pointed out by Federica Bigiogera, marketing manager of Vitavigor: «I'm a delicious starter or a perfect aperitif, in line with the tastes of the whole family. Breadsticks continue to be one of the most popular foods by Italians and, just for Christmas, they record an increase in requests. Our in particular embellish the Christmas table thanks to their fashion sachets! .

In the queue, but still in the top ten, there are the struffoli, emblem of the Christmas of the South. To finally close we find the cod, which is gluttonous fried, creamed, stewed, with polenta, in cream … in short, it is a versatile fish that arrives on Italian tables for the holidays.

Christmas tortellini

The big ones excluded

Surprisingly, you will not find second courses of meat, such as boiled and roasted, but also lamb is capon. The same applies to the cotechino, which couples exclusive with the lentils to celebrate the last of the year. It seems they are less appreciated this year too eel, dates and cold cuts, which are falling, at least according to a monitoring of the hashtag on Instagram.

But what will your Christmas menu be like this year?


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