Tag: loved

The Fagiolina del Trasimeno, the legume also loved by Berton – Italian Cuisine

The Fagiolina del Trasimeno, the legume also loved by Berton


It has the appearance of a small, oval bean, and its color embraces all shades of cream, up to black, through salmon and all shades of brown. In the mouth it is tender, buttery and particularly tasty. There Trasimeno bean is a legume that has grown since 300 BC. C., in the areas around Lake Trasimeno, which with its shallow waters creates a sort of thermal buffer for the surrounding lands. Abandoned in the 1950s following the depopulation of those countryside and due to the difficulty of processing, it was rediscovered in the late 1990s and has now become a Slow Food Presidium.

Patrizia Marcelli, of the Bittarelli farm, tells us how it is a legume that has always been present in these lands. "The Fagiolina was already here with the Etruscans, well before the beans we use today were imported from America. It is located in the area of ​​Lake Trasimeno, it is a particular niche product, not very large quantities are made because its processing is difficult .

The Fagiolina del Trasimeno in fact requires unconditional love: no machinery, a lot of attention and above all dedication, because ripening varies with the type of skin of the legume (there are over 50 varieties). "It has always been a staple food for these valleys," he explains Flavio Orsini, contact person for the Slow Food Presidium producers, "especially in times of war, when there was nothing to eat. Once everything had been destroyed, the fields cultivated with green beans were still a salvation because this legume reproduces its pods after only 15 days, thus guaranteeing a food rich in proteins for the poor people. It is a difficult product to grow because its maturation decreases from the end of July to September and you start harvesting every three days, obtaining 1 kg of beans per hour ". A great advantage of the Bean compared to other legumes is its digestibility: the texture of the peel is such that it does not create inflammation inside the intestine, thus avoiding the classic swelling caused by other legumes.

The Trasimeno bean in the kitchen

Given the softness of its skin, this legume does not require soaking or even a very prolonged cooking. The best way to bring it to the table is stewed, like a soup, accompanying it with croutons of toasted bread sautéed with robust flavor extra virgin olive oil and a few sprigs of rosemary. The Fagiolina should be boiled in plenty of water for 45 minutes, adding salt only when cooked. Also perfect together with fish such as redfish and gurnard in a soup, or served on croutons along with baked pepper fillets.

Andrea Berton's recipe

The starred chef Berton also used the Trasimeno bean, appreciating the tenderness and particular digestibility of this small bean. His plate, a bed of Fagiolina with roasted octopus tentacles, mixes the savory freshness of the octopus with the sweetness of the legume. It can be served as an appetizer or a main course. The recipe is simple and can be replicated by everyone!

Trasimeno bean and roasted octopus


1 octopus of 600 g, 200 g Trasimeno bean, 30 g of carrot, 100 g of extra virgin olive oil, 30 g of celery, 20 g of white onion, 1 aromatic bunch, 500 g of chicken broth, a pinch of salt, pepper, lemon paste, fish mayonnaise.


Finely chop the vegetables and brown them in a saucepan with extra virgin olive oil. Add the aromatic bunch, the bean and sprinkle with the chicken broth. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Place in a container and let cool. Tie with fish mayonnaise, extra virgin olive oil and season with salt and pepper. In the meantime, clean and wash the octopus and cook it in the oven at 98 ° for two hours. Once cooked, let it cool and then cut the tentacles that you will roast on a tray in the oven. Once roasted, make up the dish by placing the bean mixture in the center and the octopus tentacles on top. Finish with a few leaves of endive and a little lemon paste, which you will prepare by blending 30 g of untreated lemon peel, 100 g of sugar, 50 g of honey, 60 g of peeled and seedless lemons and 80 g in a mixer. of powdered sugar. Once everything is amalgamated, pour the lemon cream into a sterilized jar and keep it in the fridge for 20 days.


Baobing, the granita that the Chinese have loved for centuries – Italian Cuisine


Baobing is the Chinese version of granita, or an ancient dessert made from crushed ice and seasoned with ingredients of the Asian tradition

In China and other Southeast Asian countries, and especially in Taiwan, it is not difficult to come across a dessert called baobing. This dessert can actually be considered the Chinese version of the granita, and consists of crushed ice covered with various types of topping, typically oriental, such as beans or exotic fruit. Let's go then to discover the characteristics, but also the evolution, of this dessert so ancient and which in modern times has gained fans all over the world.

Baobing, the dessert that the Chinese have loved for 1000 years

Although today there are many different versions, the traditional one of baobing consists of a bowl of crushed ice on which they are poured over typical condiments of Chinese gastronomy and pastry, such as i azuki red beans, green beans, cubes or taro balls steamed (a tuber also used for bubble tea, tofu pudding and other sweets and drinks) or herb jelly (black jelly cubes, based on an herb from the same mint family). In more recent times, other typically local ingredients have also been added to China, Taiwan and other Asian countries, such as black sesame soup, mochi (glutinous rice paste balls) or exotic fruit such as mango, lychee, strawberries and coconut, which can be selected fresh or in syrup. It is a dessert often thought for several diners: in this case a high ice tower is served in a bowl, with several toppings on top. The first evidence of baobing in China dates back to the seventh century AD., which shows how deeply this dessert is rooted in the country's history and culinary traditions. Traditionally, once the ice was crushed by hand, using a blade or a large hammer, while currently this process is carried out with special machinery, which also allows for a thinner and softer result.

The Asian granita that conquered the West

To decree the beginning of the international fame of baobing was an important historical event, or the trip that the President of the United States Richard Nixon made to Beijing in 1972, for meet Mao Zedong. During a state dinner, in fact, the president had the opportunity to taste and appreciate Chinese granita a lot. This episode, reported in the American newspapers, would have been the first step of theAmericanization of the dessert, as the "New York Time" s would have declared in 1989. Arrived first in the United States and then more recently in other western countries, the exotic baobing has established itself as food trend, followed by bubble tea and many other desserts and drinks of Asian origin, and, just like these, it has been adapted to local tastes. The western version of the Chinese granita is characterized by an apparently infinite variety of toppings, which include sweetened condensed milk, various syrups, matcha tea or chocolate chips.


Ferrero, the most loved brand by Italians – Italian Cuisine

Ferrero, the most loved brand by Italians


The Alba group returns to the top of the "Best Corporate Brand 2019". The most popular product, on the other hand, is Coca Cola (but Nutella is also in the ranking)

Fresh from the triumph of the Nutella Biscuits launch, the Ferrero group has another success: it returns to being the "Company brand" most loved by the Italians, the «Best Corporate Brand 2019. After the "braking" of last year, when it was positioned second, after Ferrari, the Alba company returned to first place (which it had held since 2015) of the ranking, in its fifth edition.

The ranking corporate
Ferrari has dropped one position in the ranking corporate, followed by others car giants: BMW and Volkswagen (third and fourth place), Pirelli (sixth) and Toyota (tenth). Barilla and L’Oreal, Eni and Lidl are also in the top ten.

But how are "company brands" chosen? The selection is based on a series of economic data, from market share to advertising investments. The criteria are analyzed by the market research institute Gfk, which draws up a list of brands that will be evaluated by consumers. The «them numerical values and theirs emotional values, investments and sentiments, through a rigorous survey that combines market performance with consumer opinions, this year expressed in full 6500 interviews.

The ranking product

"Queen" of the ranking product (which evaluates market shares, purchasing loyalty and price positioning) Is, instead, the Coke, which had earned the top spot already in 2015, the year of the research debut. Also in this ranking is Ferrero (with Nutella), along with Dash, Mulino Bianco, Findus, Algida, Rio Mare, Samsung and Nike.

The ranking growth

In the ranking growth, which rewards the dynamism in terms of growth of product brands, both in terms of commercial success and emotional perception by consumers, at the top (taking the place that last year it was up to Galbusera) yes Jbl position, historic hi brand -fi. In second place, the Umbrian farm Farchioni, to the third Heineken. The top ten also includes Baileys, Muller, Yamamay, Activia, Dove, Sant’Anna and Pepsi.


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