Tag: joins

When the recipe of the hunter joins grandmother and children

When the recipe of the hunter joins grandmother and children


Last week we were in Milan to present Miscusi's burrata solidale. Today we reach the Modena area, to discover a recipe offered by the Alla Mora al Gelso Bianco restaurant. A common denominator between these two goals? Solidarity, fortunately! These are two of the hundreds of Italian clubs that adhere to the international campaign against the Hunger, which supports the projects of the NGO Action Against Hunger to combat child malnutrition in the world.

Choosing the dish proposed in combination to the countryside, 2 euros go to Action against Hunger. The owners of the Alla Mora restaurant the brothers Andrea and Matteo Rinaldi, respectively chef and maître, for Ristoranti contro la Fame they propose the recipe of grandma's cacciatore. And so, choosing the dish of Andrea and Matteo's grandmother will help a child who is hungry.

The location is a Country Resort in Savignano sul Panaro, in province of Modena, the White Mulberry, complete with suites and private spa. His restaurant, Alla Mora, offers a sophisticated and sophisticated cuisine, the pillars of the Emilian tradition respected with love, daring sea dishes and a menu that includes vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free dishes.

"The recipe I propose is a reinterpretation of the tradition of chicken cacciatore – explains chefs Andrea Rinaldi – Usually the rabbit is used, but me I prefer to use chicken leg because you can get a much softer meat and, above all, because every holiday my grandmother used it this way!".

And Matteo enchants us with the story of his family: "I come from a family of butchers and restaurateurs. My grandmother Marisa had a butcher's shop and on weekends he went to work in traditional trattorias doing the cookwhen everyone was not in his house eating together, tables of 20 around the fireplace! He was a serial tortellini producer, he was the best tortellini in the universe! The image I have of my grandmother is col white lysed apron and holding a pot …".

Marisa has launched children and grandchildren in the world of food, so much so that the two brothers were born in restaurants: even the father had one. And so, after 24 years he was already the first chef in a restaurant, Andrea opened his own two and a half years ago, together with his brother: "I started from tradition to look for a taste trip". When in the 2017 have joined the campaign Restaurants against Fame, they had been open for just a year. Matteo recounts: "Honestly, the feedback was so, I thought more… (in addition to the 2 euro flat support, customers are invited to also offer a voluntary contribution, n.d.r). But it's important, a beautiful cause and I'm very happy! It will be a drop but something has come out … I'm glad both to communicate that we do it, and do it. I hope this year in something more, I think it started better, also because it is the second year … ".

The chosen recipe is indeed a tribute to the grandmother's hunter, but in reality there is only the concept of a hunter in the dish: the processing is completely different: "It is a reworking of this idea, innovation with the feet planted in the traditions. Creativity always starts after respect for what was there before".

And here's to you, therefore, the

"Grandson's Hunting "

Ingredients for 4 people:

4 boneless chicken legs 4 round tomatoes salt and pepper Q.B

3 coasts of celery 1 white onion French parsley (for the garnish)

3 carrots extra virgin olive oil twine


To prepare the sauces for the cacciatora it is necessary to peel carrots, onion and we will clean the celery depriving it of the leaves. Now we're going to diced our vegetables keeping them well separated; put our diced celery, carrot and onion in 3 vacuum bags. Extract the air and seal the bags well, we will cook our vegetables at a low temperature – for those who have a Roner 84 ° for c.a. an hour; if instead you do not have a Roner, you can always use an oven in steam mode: in this case I recommend cooking at 84 ° for an hour and a half. Thanks to this cooking method our vegetables will remain of a beautiful color. Now it's our tomatoes that we're going to blanch. With the help of a small knife, we go to remove the petiole, turn them from the opposite side and practice an X-shaped incision of about 2-3 cm. In a fairly large saucepan we bring the water to a boil: once the temperature is reached, dip our tomatoes for a maximum of 5 minutes. Once cooked, let's move them in a boule of water and ice to quickly stop cooking, leaving the tomatoes a beautiful bright red. Filter to remove the skin and seeds from the tomatoes, then add a tomato sauce with an immersion beater, adding a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and a tuft of French parsley. Let's put aside, take our chicken thighs and roll it up creating a sort of roulade that we're going to block with kitchen string. We heat a non-stick frying pan and without adding oil we burn our "rolls" over high heat: once well browned on each side, lay the thighs in a plate covered with baking paper, salt, pepper and let's finish cooking in a preheated oven at 180 ° for approx 30 minutes. At this point our vegetables will be ready at low temperature: with the whisk we get 3 creams (celery / carrots / onion) simply adding a pinch of salt and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. We are ready to serve: free our chicken from the string, take the serving dish and place a large spoonful of our previously heated tomato sauce in the center: gently lay down the thigh, and distribute our 3 sauces on the plate at will, keeping them separated their. We finish garnishing with a few tufts of French parsley and voila: the dish is served, the tradition of grandma is saved, revisited in a more modern key.

Carra Traverso Saibante
November 2018



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