Tag: hulled

How to cook pearled and hulled spelled: all the tips – Italian Cuisine


Spelled is an excellent substitute for rice and is a very nutritious cereal, easy to cook and to use in a thousand recipes

The Emmer it's a cereal increasingly used in the kitchen, even instead of rice. Easy to prepare, it is very nutritious, but above all it is versatile: it can be made in soups, but also toasted like moles risotto or how side.
Curious to know the techniques to cook it? Below we provide you with a practical overview, while in our gallery you will find many recipes in which to use it.

cooking spelled

How to cook pearl spelled

What is the difference between pearled and hulled spelled?
The pearly one is deprived of the outer skin. For this, before boiling it, just rinse it under running water and then cook it in a little water, so that it can be absorbed by the beans. About half an hour will be enough, first with a lid and then the last few minutes without.

How to cook hulled spelled

The hulled spelled, on the other hand, has an outer skin. For this reason, it may take about an hour to cook it in a normal pot, and before you have to let it soak for at least an hour. If you use the pressure cooker, you can cut cooking times in half.

How to cook steamed farro

Both types of spelled can be steamed using a steamer. Bring the water to a boil, then place the steamer, pour in the spelled and cook for about half an hour.

How to cook spelled in soup

Spelled soup is a winter must, to warm the stomach and palate. To prepare it, just boil the spelled separately and then add it to the vegetables you have chosen for your preparation: potatoes, beans, courgettes, carrots… whatever you want.

How to cook toasted spelled

Spelled can be an excellent substitute for rice in risottos, for example. If you use raw spelled, you will need to soak it before using it in the recipe. Prepare the sautéed risotto and then pour the spelled into it. Toast it for 5/6 minutes, without letting it burn. After toasting it, add the broth little by little, always stirring to prevent it from sticking to the pan.

Browse the gallery to discover other recipes with spelled


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