Tag: hours

The cake that will take care of your children for hours – Italian Cuisine

The cake that will take care of your children for hours


It is full of the colors of the rainbow and certainly gives a smile. Layer by layer, fun guaranteed … and time passed!

There is a recipe for a cake that can entertain your children for a couple of hours, but you have to put a little patience on yours.
Are you there? Well, then let's prepare one Rainbow cake.

Rainbow cake to give a smile

The rainbow cake, the name says it, is a cake that has all the colors of the rainbow.
It is a cake that brings joy and is made with children because it is easy, fun and you have to mess around for a long time, especially with food colors.
It is a typical American cake, of those high high, which when sliced ​​reveals all the shades of the rainbow between one layer and another of butter cream. It is beautiful to compose and also to decorate because the outside also requires a little imagination and creativity.

The base, or rather the bases

The basics are more than one because this cake is made of layers of different colors.
They all prepare the same way with a recipe that is similar to one Sponge Cake and wetter than a classic sponge cake.
The mixture is divided equally into bowls and each is assigned a color.
As for i colorants you can choose between powder and liquid ones, but we recommend those in powder because they remain brighter and do not make the mixture too liquid, especially the cream that will be colored for the final decorations.

A nice compact cream

There cream is very dense and compact because it must not wet the cake too much and above all it must keep the layers firmly together.
It will also be used to decorate the cake externally and therefore it must remain still and not run like simple whipped cream would do.
The spreadable cheese and mascarpone give flavor and solidity to the mixture, the cream makes it velvety and the food gelatin compacts it.

The rainbow cake recipe


For the base
250 g of 00 flour
250 g of sugar
120 g of soft butter
4 eggs
12 g of yeast
375 g of low-fat white yogurt
powdered food coloring dyes: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple

First whip the butter with the sugar until creamy.
Then add the eggs and yogurt and finally flour and yeast.
Divide the mixture into six bowls and add a colorant to each.
Then cook the contents of each bowl in a single mold about 16 cm in diameter for 15 minutes at 180 °.
Obviously the molds must all be the same because then these bases will be superimposed, so you should have 6 to avoid having to cook one base at a time. Alternatively, you can also use pastry circles and place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
Let the bases cool down very well once cooked.

For the cream
500 g of spreadable cheese
500 g of mascarpone
100 g of fresh cream
200 g of icing sugar
10 g of gelatine

First soften the gelatine in water and then dissolve it in a little fresh cream heated in a saucepan.
Separately, whip the mascarpone with the sugar and cream cheese in a bowl and the cream in another. Mix everything by adding the gelatine dissolved.
The cream is ready and must rest in the refrigerator for half an hour.

How to make the cake

Once the layers and cream are ready, assemble everything directly on a serving plate.
Start from the red or purple base and then go in chromatic gradation: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, or viceversa.
Between one base and another, put one quite abundant layer of cream, but consider that there will be a lot left over for external decoration.
Once the whole cake is made, layer by layer, cover it with the cream using a spatula to obtain a uniform effect.
If there is still some cream left, color it make tufts around the circumference base and surface.

What can children do to help?

What i can do children to help you? Pretty much everything.
– They can prepare the dough using electric whisk.
– They can divide it into bowls and add colors.
– They can prepare the cream.
– They can assemble and decorate the cake.
A nice game isn't it?


Bonduelle salads, from the field directly to the table in less than 24 hours – Italian Cuisine

Bonduelle salads, from the field directly to the table in less than 24 hours


Conferors less than 30 km from the factory, a very strict specification and great technology allow you to have a very fresh product on the tables, just a few hours after harvesting.

Their smiling faces stand out on the packaging of the salads that they cultivate with pride and passion, Bonduelle then packs them and brings them directly to our tables. They are the farmers "that put their faces on it", Confident in the quality of their work and their products. We went to find them and to check with our own eyes.

Quality and professionalism, in a word, safety for the consumer

Nicola and Marco Salera, owners of the La Vallere farm near the Bonduelle plant in San Paolo d’Argon, since 2003 they sow and harvest the fourth range salads that Bonduelle packs and sells, cultivating 30 hectares of land according to the highest quality standards. From 2013 they are in organic conversion and from 2020 they will be certified organic. Some of the references of salads such as lettuce, valerian and arugula that make up the range are sown on their land "Farmers salads" by Bonduelle. The use of organic pesticides, irrigation through water from an artesian well, the use of machines that do not develop gas in the greenhouse and the sterilization of the field with propane gas at 500 degrees every time the harvest is made, guarantee a safe and top quality product. The salads are harvested early in the morning, immediately cut to 4 ° and transported with refrigerated trucks to the Bonduelle plant in San Paolo d’Argon, in the province of Bergamo, to be washed and packaged. All in the sign of the traceability of every green tuft that reaches our tables. “Our products – he explains Nicola Salera – they are 100% safe. They are not treated with chemicals, the soils where the salads are grown are worked in rotation in order not to deplete the soil, after each cut a machine, passing on the stretch of land, sucks up the remaining foliage to prevent it from rotting and develop pathogens. The greenhouses are heated to ensure the correct sprouting of the seeds when the outside temperatures start to drop, so that the products can be guaranteed throughout the year, in a continuous cycle ".

Bonduelle: the dot of freshness

Bonduelle is a family business with 120 years of history behind it, which has managed to reach its seventh generation in excellent health. The secret? A board of first level managers made up of members from outside the family, an always forward-looking vision, a real obsession with sustainability in all areas. In Italy there are two factories, one in the province of Bergamo, the other in Battipaglia, in the province of Salerno. In Bergamo 350 thousand envelopes are packaged every day, which are sent to large retailers within 24 hours of collection. Bonduelle is the only company in our country to have an internal certified laboratory that carries out all kinds of analyzes to guarantee a safe and fresh product. With "Farmer's Salads" the company married the philosophy of localism and the short chain, through the direct guarantee of those who grow the products. Each contributor is a real partner for Bonduelle, who adheres to specifics European protocols which ensure a safe and biological process from sowing to harvest. The "Farmer's Salads" range consists of a total of 6 products, some seasonal and others active all year round: lettuce, rocket, songino, spinach, trio freshness, and Lusia IGP salad. All these Bonduelle salads, once they reach the factory, are washed, dried and wrapped. The packs are immediately stored in a refrigerated room, before being sent to the large distribution. And it is precisely this process, from collection to packaging, that allows the shelf of each salad, so that we can have a safe, healthy and fresh product on our tables. Always.


Zeppole (or staples) at all hours of the day – Italian Cuisine


A donut-shaped delight: here are the Neapolitan sweet donuts, better known as staples. To be enjoyed as soon as fried.

The donuts they are eaten for breakfast, as a snack, but also and above all at night, after an evening spent with friends (or at least those with a sweet tooth and tempting). Not to be confused with those of St. Joseph, which are eaten mainly on Father's Day, these zeppole are eaten all the year and at all hours.

In the different areas of Campania you can find them with different names: while in Naples they are called braces, In Salerno they are mainly spread with the name of zeppola. In any case, you can find them when and how you want them: bars, pastry shops or even special ones zeppolerie ensure the inevitable snack until late in the evening. A very sweet cake in the shape of a donut, fried at the moment, coated with sugar and possibly stuffed with creams of all kinds: hazelnut, white chocolate, dark chocolate, double chocolate, lemon, pistachio … A social ritual as important as the post-dinner coffee at midnight: do not go home before eating a zeppola or a croissant.

A long leavened in a place that can guarantee a constant temperature it is essential to obtain a really soft result. For this reason, larger-sized zeppole / staples found in pastry shops and bars are never replicated at home, where traditionally a variant is prepared instead. In addition to the reduced size, the difference lies in the ingredients: the home variant also includes the use of potatoes.

Below, the recipe for the irresistible Neapolitan staples or sweet zeppoline, to be eaten just fried!

Zeppole or Neapolitan staples
Zeppole or Neapolitan staples

The traditional recipe of Neapolitan zeppole or staples


500 g Flour 00
250 g Potatoes
70 g Milk
50 g Sugar
50 g Butter
25 g Brewer's yeast
3 eggs
Peel of a lemon
Fry oil


Boil the potatoes already peeled and mash them, helping yourself with a fork. Dissolve the yeast in milk at room temperature.

Beat the eggs with sugar, soft butter, grated lemon rind and a pinch of salt. Add the milk with the yeast to the mixture jumbled up with a whisk. Add the mashed potatoes and the flour, stirring until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Cover the dough with a cloth and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Form the staples by creating cylinders of 2-3 cm thick and close them to create the classic shape donut. Place the staples on a baking sheet with baking paper previously sprinkled with a little flour, so that they do not stick. Cover with a cloth e let it rest for about 2 hours.

Fry a few donuts at a time, in a large pan with plenty of oil: they will be enough a couple minutes per side, until they are golden. Remember that it is important change oil often of frying and that the zeppole do not sink to the bottom of the pan, but remain afloat.

Allow to dry on kitchen paper, dip them in sugar semolina (or icing), covering them completely, and serve immediately. An idea? You can combine sugar with some cinnamon to flavor!


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