Tag: homemade burgers gordon ramsay

Classic BBQ recipes


i think the salmon with sour cream and chives and creamy cucumber sounds dreamy.its a perfect treat for a barbeque.


Cupcakes. They look lovely and have inspired me to go and bake some – right now!

Ruby Kanwar

Homemade burgers they look delicious …yummmmy ..


Homemade Burgers……they are the treat for us……we have tried the rest but these are certainly the best !!!


Chicken burgers with lime and coriander look sophisticated and different. Would definitely try to cook them. Many thanks for an idea!


Everyone gets excited over bbqs. My children love to join in with the preparation but my partner sees to all the actual cooking.


Those chicken burgers are definitely going on our little bucket bbq while camping this weekend !


homemade burgers would be fab to make, as my kids love burgers but alot seem to bery greasy and fatty!

Homemade burgers

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  • Serves: 4

  • Prep time: 20 mins

  • Cooking time: 10 mins

    (3-5 mins on each side)

  • Total time: 30 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

Homemade beef burgers are much tastier than shop-bought – and they aren’t much harder to make. All you need to do is combine a little mince with some binding agents and a little flavouring. Our homemade burger recipe is perfect for the BBQ or for a family meal – and if you make them from scratch, you know exactly what’s going in them! You can use classic beef mince to make these burgers or replace it with turkey or pork for a lighter taste – or vegetarian mince like Quorn can be used as a meat substitute


  • 500g good quality mince
  • Good pinch of oregano
  • 1tsp salt
  • Pinch of black pepper
  • Handful of breadcrumbs
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten

To serve:

  • Loaf of ciabatta
  • 1 iceberg lettuce
  • 4 medium tomatoes

That’s goodtoknow

Top tip: The eggs and breadcrumbs aren’t essential but will help bind the ingredients together.


  1. Place all of the burger ingredients in a large bowl and mix together or whizz all the ingredients in a food processor until the mixture starts holding together.
  2. Shape the burgers into round flat discs with wetted hands. To get perfectly round shapes, press the mixture into a metal pastry cutter. Don’t over-handle the burgers or they’ll be tough and dry when cooked.
  3. Place the burgers on the barbecue or in a frying pan and cook until they’re done all the way through and there’s no pinkness in the middle. To check this, press down the top of a burger with a fish slice – if there are pink juices oozing out, then cook for a few more minutes.
  4. Serve on a lightly toasted ciabatta with lettuce and sliced tomato.

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