Tag: grill

BBQ Shrimp Skewers

These easy shrimp skewers are perfect for any night of the week, or great if you want to feed a crowd – simply double or triple the recipe.

Every summer I make a my Kansas City Style BBQ Sauce[1] several times to use over chicken, pulled pork, or whatever I feel like grilling. Last week, I used it on shrimp skewers inspired by an appetizer we had while taking a day trip out East. My husband loved it, and insisted I remake it and share it with you here. It was served with guacamole, and he loved the combination, so I recreated it with my guacamole[2] recipe on the side and he LOVED it (calories below are for shrimp skewers only, guacamole is extra). Super easy, and the BBQ sauce makes enough for several recipes. Of course, if you prefer to buy jarred BBQ, that would work fine also.

BBQ Shrimp Skewers
Servings: 4 • Size: 1 skewer • Old Points: 3 • Weight Watchers Points+: 3 pt
Calories: 139 • Fat: 2 g • Protein: 23 g • Carb: 6 g • Fiber: 0 g • Sugar: 4 g
Sodium: 253 mg (without salt) • Cholesterol: 172 mg


  • 1 lb jumbo raw shrimp, shelled and deveined (weight after peeled)
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • kosher salt and pepper
  • 3 tbsp Kansas City Style BBQ Sauce[3]
  • 8 long wooden skewers


Soak the skewers in water at least 20 minutes to prevent them from burning.

Combine the shrimp with crushed garlic and season with salt and pepper. You can let this marinate for a while, or even overnight.

Heat a clean, lightly oiled grill to medium heat, when the grill is hot add the shrimp, careful not to burn the skewers. Grill on both sides for about 6 – 8 minutes total cooking time or until the shrimp is opaque and cooked through.

Brush the sauce on during the last minute of cooking and eat right away.


  1. ^ Kansas City Style BBQ Sauce (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  2. ^ guacamole (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  3. ^ Kansas City Style BBQ Sauce (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)

How to Make Your Own Temporary Brick Grill

Whenever I post a video involving my grill – a common occurrence this time of year – I get a bunch of emails asking what kind of grill I’m using, and the reply is always the same. It’s a charcoal-version of the Weber “Q,” and you can’t buy one because they stopped making them. Sorry, but I think I have an idea.

With just a few dollars worth of bricks, and a cast iron grate, you can reproduce the same basic grill I’m using. Besides, yours is going to look a hell of a lot cooler, and you can tell your hipster friends it was made from “reclaimed bricks.” Just be sure to use plain clay bricks. You certainly don’t want anything that’s been treated with chemicals and/or will explode. If you get these at a home improvement store, be sure to ask the guy. In fact, ask that guy’s boss.

As far as the grate goes, if you want to splurge, order the porcelain-coated, cast iron versions that the major brands use. They all sell replacement grates, but just about anything will work, since you can change your brick layout to make it fit. If you want to save a few bucks, check the online auctions, as well as outdoorsy stores, and flea markets.

Besides working beautifully, it’s temporary state is perfect for people who only grill two or three times a summer. Just set it this up in some back corner of the yard, and break it down when the weather turns. I hope you give this fun DIY project a try soon. Enjoy!

UPDATE: Apparently you don’t want the ash from charcoal briquettes in your garden. However, the ash from natural wood charcoal is desirable, so there you go.

Celeriac slaw with goat’s cheese "croutons"

Every so often, I like to remind my husband exactly who is boss in this little domestic disaster we call home. I think he thinks it’s him. And that’s fine. Most of the time, I like to encourage him to think that it’s him. I don’t like to tell him exactly how long it would take him to die of starvation, unhappiness and the inability to locate his shoes, or keys, or wallet, should I suddenly vanish.

But once in a while, I like him to see things plainly.

Like the other day, he asked me what we were having for dinner. And I said, as cheerfully as I could (because it is one of my slight cop-out dinners) “A spanish OMELETTE!!!” I said it in the exact manner that Kitty suggests that we all go and watch Peppa Pig. (“I know! I know! Less WATS PEPPA PIIIIIIIIIIG!?!?!”)

“Oh,” he said, “can I not have any potato in my half? I mean, I like potato, but it’s not much use to me steamed and then hidden in egg.”

“I see,” I said. And then that evening as a punishment, almost worthy of Mrs Twit, I set about making him a dinner containing all the things I know hates – celery, walnuts, dill – a recipe for which I just happened to have handily torn out of a magazine, although I’m afraid I don’t know which one. I thought it was delicious.

So here we go –

Beetroot and celeriac coleslaw with goat’s cheese “croutons”
Serves 4 as a light lunch.

(Sorry I have added that assholish “croutons” thing because it’s actually just cheese on toast, but whenever I see that sort of ludicrous marketing caper on a menu it makes me laugh so much that I have vowed to use it here at least once.)

This is an awful lot easier if you have a food processor with a grating attachment, but I did it all by hand and it was perfectly okay and I am pregnant and in a terrible mood so you’ve got no excuse really.

for the slaw
1 small celeriac
2 sticks celery, de-strung and chopped
2 apples, skin on
2 small raw beetroot, peeled
handful walnuts, chopped

for the dressing
1 large tbsp greek yoghurt
small bunch dill, chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp dijon mustard
1/2 tsp white or red wine vinegar
salt and pepper
the juice and zest of 1 lemon

for the croutons
1 stick baguette or a petit parisienne
2 packs rindless goat’s cheese

1 Grate the celeriac and apple and put in a bowlful of cold water with half the lemon juice, to stop it from going brown.

2 Grate the beets and mix with the chopped celery. Then drain the apple and celeriac well and add.

3 Mix together the dressing ingredients and mix into the veg – scatter over some dill leaves and walnuts to serve.

4 Slice the bread on a dramatic vertical and lightly toast one side under the grill, then load the other side with goat’s cheese and grill for a few minutes

To his credit, my husband took it all like a man and has not made specific requests about dinner since.

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