Tag: gordon ramsays smashed potatoe recipe

Creamy Mashed Potatoes

Creamy Mashed Potatoes

by Pam on February 18, 2013

These potatoes were creamy, smooth, and so flavorful and they had just a touch of butter – how great is that!?! I found this recipe in my The Best Light Recipe cookbook from the editors of Cook’s Illustrated  I love this book because they test and re-test recipes until they are just right! These potatoes were a huge hit with the whole family and tasted excellent with the meatloaf (recipe to come) I paired them with. Quick, easy, and comforting – you can’t beat that.

Peel and cut the potatoes. Place them,along with a sprinkling of salt, into a large saucepan and add enough water to cover the potatoes by 1 inch. Bring the water to a boil over high heat then reduce the heat to medium low and simmer until the potatoes are fork tender, about 15-18 minutes. Drain the potatoes.

Place the butter into the milk and heat in the microwave for 30 seconds. Pour the milk mixture onto the potatoes along with the sour cream; season with sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste. Mash the potatoes using a hand masher until creamy and smooth. Place into a serving bowl and serve immediately.  Enjoy.



Creamy Mashed Potatoes

Yield: 6

Prep Time: 10 min.

Cook Time: 20 min.

Total Time: 30 min.


4 russet potatoes, scrubbed, peeled, and cut into 1 inch chunks
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp 2% milk
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp light sour cream
Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste


Peel and cut the potatoes. Place them,along with a sprinkling of salt, into a large saucepan and add enough water to cover the potatoes by 1 inch. Bring the water to a boil over high heat then reduce the heat to medium low and simmer until the potatoes are fork tender, about 15-18 minutes. Drain the potatoes.

Place the butter into the milk and heat in the microwave for 30 seconds. Pour the milk mixture onto the potatoes along with the sour cream; season with sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste. Mash the potatoes using a hand masher until creamy and smooth. Place into a serving bowl and serve immediately. Enjoy.

Adapted recipe by For the Love of Cooking.net
Original recipe by The Best Light Recipes – Cook’s Illustrated


  1. ^ Print Recipe (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  2. ^ Save to ZipList Recipe Box (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)

Smashed Potatoes with Sour Cream and Chives

Smashed Potatoes with Sour Cream and Chives

by Pam on October 10, 2012

My kids are big fans of mashed potatoes and they are always very happy when I serve them with dinner. I decided to change it up and bit and make smashed potatoes with butter, sour cream, and chives. I used Yukon gold potatoes because they are rich, creamy, and so delicious.  I served this side dish with the Italian Meatloaf[1] and the Sautéed Kale, Grape Tomatoes, Garlic, and Parmesan[2] for a delicious and comforting meal.  We all LOVED these potatoes and they tasted great (with the leftover meatloaf) the next day too.

Heat a large pot of salted water until boiling.  Add the potatoes and cook for 15-20 minutes, or until fork tender and cooked through.  Drain the potatoes; add the sour cream, butter, chives, sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste.  Mash by hand with a potato masher until creamy.  Serve immediately.  Enjoy.


Smashed Potatoes with Sour Cream and Chives

Yield: 4

Prep Time: 5 min.

Cook Time: 20 min.

Total Time: 25-30 min.


6-7 Yukon gold potatoes (leave the skin on), halved
3 tbsp sour cream
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp fresh chives, chopped
Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste


Heat a large pot of salted water until boiling. Add the potatoes and cook for 15-20 minutes, or until fork tender and cooked through. Drain the potatoes (leaving the skin on); add the sour cream, butter, chives, sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste. Mash by hand with a potato masher until creamy. Serve immediately. Enjoy.


  1. ^ Italian Meatloaf (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  2. ^ Sautéed Kale, Grape Tomatoes, Garlic, and Parmesan (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  3. ^ Print Recipe (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)

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