Tag: Golden State Warriors

Memorial Day, Already?

I can’t believe it’s almost Memorial Day weekend! Seems like just yesterday I was watching people shoveling snow and scraping ice. Of course, I live in California, and that was on the Weather Channel, but still, seems like yesterday. I blame my beloved Golden State Warriors for making the playoffs, and throwing off my seasonal clock.  

Anyway, the upcoming long weekend is considered the official start of cookout season, and to celebrate I thought I’d repost this collection of grill-friendly recipes. By the way, in addition to looking and tasting great on their own, these dishes all have a proven track record of pairing well with cold beer. Enjoy!! 

Santa Maria Tri-Tip Grilled Lamb Chops
Grilled Pickled Veggies Grilled Korean Short Ribs
Grilled Flank Steak Grilled Lemon Chicken
Cornell Chicken Grilled Barbecue Chicken
Grilled Pork Tenderloin Grilled Asian Skirt Steak
Spicy Tarragon Grilled Chicken Grilled Calabrian Chicken

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