Tag: gifts

10 DIY gifts for Mother's Day – Italian Cuisine

10 DIY gifts for Mother's Day


Mothers, all different but each one so special! Celebrate this year Mother's Day with a DIY gift, prepared with your hands, with all the love and gratitude that bind you to her! A special recipe to give her some of your time, your passion that you put into it to prepare a gift made with your hands for the day of her party (and not only …). In the end, it is not necessary for a mother to be a complicated or "perfect" recipe, only your gesture and the heart that you put in preparing it

A classic gift and always very welcome to celebrate the Mother's Day are the desserts, an ideal solution when you don't know what to buy or when you want to pack something with your hands. If you're wondering what it is the perfect dessert for Mother's Day, perhaps it does not exist or rather it is not the same for everyone. You can have fun and look for the best recipe for your mother, based on her tastes but also on your cooking skills or your needs and the time you have available to take care of every detail to make it

There is no doubt, however, that the sweet perfect for mom it must be special and express all your love! For this reason, many delicious recipes come to your aid, inspired by the month in which the mother is celebrated: May, the month of flowers, roses, strawberries and spring colors; to realize pastries, cookies is heart-shaped cakes or one special decoration for a crust classical

If your mother likes flowers and you think a bouquet of flowers is always welcome, make it with your hands! In pastry you can make delicious bouquets to eat! A quick and easy way to amaze your mom is to make small puff pastry roses and fresh fruit, or, if you have time, you can prepare the Rose & Salt Pepper Cake, a refined traditional dessert, of great scenographic effect that contains within it a soft rich and tasty heart

Mothers are the queens of the house. An ironic and greedy gift to thank her is to choose elegant recipes dedicated to the queens! THE Lady's Kisses or i macaron Mont Blanc of Salt & Pepper for you: chic sweets, beautiful to look at but also very good to eat; perfect to accompany a cup of tea!

But, if you have a very greedy mother that just can't resist the chocolate, for your party you can play around making delicious Chocolates dark, milk, with a spicy or fruit-filled note: a perfect gift for those with a sweet heart but a strong and determined character!

Does your mom not like sweets? Then choose between Salt & Pepper recipes for gods tasty snacks, suitable to accompany a cocktail or glass of wine, and toast with her the day of her party!

Whatever special recipe, sweet or savory, you choose for Mother's Day, collect your do-it-yourself DIY gift in a container and carefully care for the package. To pack your biscuits, your cake or your chocolates are not enough for you! You can choose, for example, to use gods glass jars with the cap hermetically sealed, essential for the correct preservation of food, or small ones boxes of cardboard or tin, gift wrap, some tape or a decoration it's a ticket on which to write a thought or the recipe you have prepared for her!

If you still haven't found the special recipe for Mother's Day, read the recipes of this one top ten of Sale & Pepe, we are sure that you will find the perfect one for your mother and your needs!


10 DIY gifts for Father's Day – Italian Cuisine

10 DIY gifts for Father's Day


On March 19, do you want to celebrate your father with a special gift? Try to prepare culinary delicacies with your own hands, to amaze and declare your love. Salt and pepper picks up here for you 10 DIY gifts for the Father's Day: these are tasty or tasty ideas, sweets, chocolates, savory appetizers, which lend themselves to being placed in containers to be donated on this particular occasion.

Cooking for loved ones is within the reach of any pocket and skill, for those who want to make flash desserts with expensive raw materials like for those who want a low cost gift, for good cooks as for novice chefs. And above all, it is a true gesture of affection: what is more precious than giving one's time and effort to cook for "the man of life"?

If you want to take your father by the throat, prepare the coffee pralines and Sambuca, super-delicious DIY chocolates that will definitely hit. Speaking of small chocolate delicacies, try cooking i filled chocolates: father will be surprised that they do not come from a pastry shop. Preparing them is easier than it seems; you only need a few ingredients, a multiple mold and a pastry bag.
THE cocoa truffles they are a simple and delicious dessert: you can show them after a meal, to accompany a cup of coffee gently.
THE kisses of Perugia they require a little more skill, but the end result will be truly amazing: you will have to show proofs that are really homemade and not bought in the store. If you want, match this anecdote about chocolate kisses: they used to be called cazzotti, due to the shape that reminds of a closed hand with the knuckles on the outside; then it was thought that the name had little charm, so it was transformed into the very famous kisses we know now.

If your father likes to give himself a drink every so often, try the recipe spicy orange liqueur: has the scent of cinnamon, it is very easy to prepare and lasts for over six months. He will appreciate it very much!
Other tasty and edible gifts, to be consumed immediately or preserved over time, are the Orange jam (the only necessary ingredients: oranges, sugar and lemon) and i artichokes in oil, an original gift idea that will certainly be appreciated.

To demonstrate all your sweet affection, prepare the Spicy biscuits in the shape of a heart or i flowers and hearts of pastry: a tender gift for the man you love the most.
Or tip on mini plum cake with walnuts: lawyers like a package and put them next to the table.

Scroll through the recipes, choose the gift that suits you best and … Happy Father's Day.


For men only: gifts for "him" – Italian Cuisine

For men only: gifts for "him"


Complete with everything you need to make a great cocktail, pouring it into the most suitable glass and completing it with the right amount of ice.

Christmas Box Premium Edition, ideal for those who love the most classic cocktails, includes a selection from the NIO drink list: Whiskey sour, Margarita, Gin sour, Negroni, Vodka sour, Milan-Turin, Manhattan, Daiquiri, Gimlet, Boulevardier.
Christmas Box Luxury Edition, perfect for the most important gifts, also corporate, contains the four cocktails of the Luxury collection: Welsh Rob Roy, Ti-Punch, Japanese Boulevardier, Cosmo Twist.

Price 59 euros the Premium and 89 euros the Luxury


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