Tag: fridge

Empty fridge syndrome: what it is and how to avoid it – Italian Cuisine

Empty fridge syndrome: what it is and how to avoid it


For some, dining on biscuits, snacks and other packaged foods sometimes risks becoming a bad habit, called empty fridge syndrome. Here are the causes and tips for wanting ladles and pans even at the end of the day

Skip dinner and eat ready-made foods, mostly packaged such as biscuits, snacks, potato chips, snacks. It is commonly called empty fridge syndrome and it is not a real nuisance, rather a widespread habit among those who have little time to devote to meals or have little desire to get in the kitchen, perhaps because they are alone or work late and return home exhausted . A bad habit, the empty fridge syndrome, which weighs on the figure and on health. "Everything we eat nourishes our body, our mind and our thoughts and often due to lack of time or laziness we choose the wrong" fuel ", without thinking that what we eat can be the cause of diseases and disorders, but also of many ailments such as "simple" swelling, headaches or chronic fatigue , he comments Marilù Mengoni, nutritionist biologist, also graduated in psychology, creator of the method psychoanalysis and contract lecturer at the UniCusano University of Rome and the CNM school of naturopathy in Padua. "It is often underestimated, for example, that the food we consume can be related to depressive states, anxiety and agitation and we always end up choosing what we seem to like the most. I say it seems because in most cases it is a simple addiction, especially to sugars or other substances perhaps present in our favorite food that we end up eating like robots and whose consequences are also seen on weight and waistline, which inexorably increase over the years Says the expert. But what can the lack of desire to cook depend on? Here's what you need to know about the empty fridge syndrome and what to do to stay away from it.

Causes of empty fridge syndrome

Among the factors that certainly affect the most in the empty fridge syndrome are the frenetic rhythms and stress. "If we have been busy with work, shopping, housekeeping and many other activities all day long, we end up really exhausted in the evening and no longer have the energy to do anything other than eat ready-made food. and then perhaps collapse in front of social networks or watching TV , says Dr. Marilù Mengoni. "Having the habit of eating packaged food, full of fats, sugars, additives and preservatives, can really be harmful to health in the long run. Most diseases could be prevented with a healthy and conscious lifestyle, which includes greater attention to the choice of food and the moments dedicated to meals .

Tips for regaining the desire to cook in the evening

"To regain motivation in the kitchen and eat healthily, it would be enough to take small breaks during the day or to dedicate time to yourself, for example, taking a walk in the open air or a little yoga. Slowing down the pace a little helps you find your center and the desire to pamper yourself a little even with a healthy and nutrient-rich dinner ", suggests Dr. Marilù Mengoni. The ideal is to focus on simple dishes. "If you plan to cook something that takes an hour or more between preparation and cooking, you will probably find yourself easily with a nice packet of biscuits in your hand without even realizing it." Another useful trick is to get the right equipment. "In addition to the classic pots and the oven, you can also opt for a practical steamer, a blender and a bread machine that has the program to cook cereals in a few minutes". And finally, challenge yourself. "If the goal is to feel lighter, energetic and focused during the day, starting to eat healthy in the evening is a great way to do it".


How to store ground coffee: yes or no in the fridge? – Italian Cuisine

How to store ground coffee: yes or no in the fridge?


What's the best way to store ground coffee at home? Is the refrigerator an option to consider? Here are some useful tips

Isn't it wonderful that moment when we open a new coffee package and an intense and inviting aroma is released immediately? Here, better enjoy it to the full, because avoiding the dispersion of the fragrance that until then was perfectly protected from vacuum packing it's a real challenge.

Let's start from an assumption: once it comes into contact with the air, the grinded coffee it is much more subject to deterioration than coffee beans, which instead guarantee maximum aroma thanks to the grinding carried out on the spot. But not everyone decides to have a coffee grinder at home, a precious tool that also needs proper maintenance.

To limit damage and store coffee correctly, it is necessary to better understand what damages it.

False myths and enemies of coffee

As pointed out by the Gaggia coffee experts, "the worst enemy of aroma is humidity. Coffee reacts immediately to cold, heat, changes in temperature, humidity and oxygen while losing some of its characteristic scent ".

When on the package we talk about storing coffee in a "cool and dry place", it certainly does not mean the fridge. Have you ever used the coffee trick to eliminate bad smells from the fridge? This is enough for you to understand that that type of environment does not help to keep the aromas alive, but rather favors the absorption of all other smells by the coffee.
Furthermore, it temperature gap to which it would be subjected every time you prepare an espresso would lead to the formation of condensation and therefore humidity inside the container.

Speaking of humidity, according to some urban legends, to keep it constant at the right point it would be enough to put a Cork or one apple peel in the coffee jar. Very wrong: any foreign element within the mixture contributes to altering its flavor and properties.

To ensure proper storage of the coffee, it is therefore necessary to keep it away from sources of humidity, heat, light and above all from the air. Let's see how.

How to store coffee

Coffee maintains its organoleptic qualities unaltered at a temperature between 15 ° C and 25 ° C, with a humidity of about 50%. How to get as close as possible to these conditions?

First, use a hermetically sealed container of non-transparent glass, but dark enough to limit contact with light. Even the size make the difference, both those of the packages to be purchased and those of the container. Better to prefer smaller packs, so as not to keep them open for too long, and avoid larger jars than the amount of coffee they will have to contain.

Where to store the coffee? The ideal is a closed cupboard, protected from light and sunlight, away from the hob, oven or radiators.


How to store artichokes: in the fridge, in the freezer, in oil – Italian Cuisine

How to store artichokes: in the fridge, in the freezer, in oil


From cleaning to cuts, from basic cooking, to tips for using artichoke scraps in simple and waste-free goodness, to more special dishes: the artichokes have been treated in every way. It is essential to know how to store artichokes: fresh, in the freezer and in oil.

Cool or in the fridge

Cut the stems of the artichokes obliquely with a cutter, put them in a jar of water and keep them cool. Or keep them in the fridge, wrapped in damp paper. They last for 2 days.

In the freezer

Blanch the artichokes in wedges for 1 ', drain and let them cool. Place them spaced on a tray, freeze them, bag them and keep them in the freezer for 2-3 months.

In oil

Bring 50% water and vinegar to the boil with pepper, salt and flavorings to taste (garlic, bay leaf, thyme, marjoram, shallot …). Boil the artichokes in wedges for 3-4 ', then drain them and let them cool. Collect the artichokes in special sterilized glass preserving jars; cover them with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, plug them. Wrap them in towels, dip them in 5 cm of water in a saucepan and boil them for 20 minutes. Check the formation of the vacuum from the hollow that is created on the cap. Eat them within 6-8 months.


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