Tag: Filled

Chinese ravioli filled with vegetables – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Chinese ravioli filled with vegetables


First, clean the courgettes, carrots and onions and then grate them with a grater with large holes.

After peeling them, cut the onion into thin slices, chop the garlic and finely grate the ginger.

Combine everything together in a bowl and mix, then cook for 10-15 minutes in a large non-stick pan, with a drizzle of oil and 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, stirring often.
Move into a bowl and let cool.

At this point you can dedicate yourself to making the dough for the ravioli: combine the flour and salt in a bowl, mix, then add the water, kneading until you obtain a smooth dough.
Cover with cling film and let rest for 15 minutes at room temperature.

Take the dough and roll it out on the floured work surface into a very thin sheet (about 1 mm), then cut out circles with a pastry cutter of about 8 cm.

Proceed with forming the ravioli: take one disk at a time, place 1 teaspoon of filling in the center (don’t overdo it, or it will come out during the closing phase), close in a half-moon shape keeping the ravioli vertical, then seal the edges and start making pinch the edges by folding the dough slightly on itself, as you see in the photo.

Place the ravioli on the steamer basket (after lightly greasing it to prevent them from sticking), close the lid and place them on the boiling pan, cooking for about 15 minutes.

The Chinese ravioli filled with vegetables are ready, all you have to do is season them to taste.


Tartlets filled with meat and mozzarella – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tartlets filled with meat and mozzarella


Chop the onion and brown it in a large non-stick pan with some oil, then add the minced meat and let it flavour, then add the wine.
Season with salt, then transfer to a bowl and leave to cool.

Beat the egg lightly, then add half of it (keep the rest aside) to the now warm minced meat, together with the parmesan, and mix.

Unroll the puff pastry, place the molds on top (without pressing) and cut out circles slightly larger than the molds themselves.
Lightly butter the molds and line them with the puff pastry circles you just created, then prick the bottom with the tines of a fork.

Distribute the filling (minced meat and mozzarella cubes) into the puff pastry shells and, with the leftovers, create strips with which you will decorate the surface, creating a lozenge pattern.

Brush with the remaining egg and cook for about 20 minutes or until golden in a fan oven preheated to 180°C.

The tarts filled with meat and mozzarella are ready, let them cool slightly before serving.


filled puff pastry rolls – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

filled puff pastry rolls


There are never enough vegetarian recipes and it is always worth knowing as many as possible because this type of diet is becoming a growing trend. THE puff pastry rolls with ricotta, tomato sauce and chopped mixed vegetables they are a dish that stands out for its versatility and goodness. In this guide, we will help you discover the preparation of this culinary delight, which combines the lightness of puff pastry to the creaminess of ricotta and to the freshness of mixed vegetablesfor an unforgettable gastronomic experience.


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