Tag: farro

Summer Farro Salad Recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Summer Farro Salad Recipe


In the summer, farro salad is an excellent alternative to pasta salad or rice salad. For a summer lunch, whether in the office or in the garden, we have prepared it with mozzarella and vegetables.

To make it as in our recipe you will have to cook the pepper in the oven and peel it, cook it on the grill aubergine, courgettes and tomatoesthen cut all the vegetables into slices or chunks. Add the vegetables to the boiled and cooled speltcompleting with chilli pepper, capers, olives, oil, basil and mozzarella balls.

Discover these recipes too: Farro, chickpea and strawberry salad, Farro salad with legumes and artichokes, Cold barley and tomato salad, Cold pearl barley salad, Barley salad with sea bass tartare, Farro, stracchino and vegetable focaccia, Rabbit and spelt with walnut pesto.


Farro: because it is the ideal cereal for those who play sports – Italian Cuisine

Farro: because it is the ideal cereal for those who play sports


This ancient grain has numerous benefits for figure and health. Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it is an excellent ally for losing weight and optimizing training results

The spelled, in particular the integral one, is a real natural supplement for those who play sports. This ancient grain, thanks to the richness of micro and macronutrients, has a toning action. It helps the body during intense physical efforts such as training to deal with stress and fatigue with an extra gear. One of its strengths is versatility. Spelled flakes, for example, mixed with milk or yogurt, oilseeds and seasonal fruit for breakfast are perfect for making super-energetic porridge and muesli. At lunch, its grains paired with legumes (or eggs, fish or meat), seasonal vegetables and extra virgin olive oil are perfect for preparing quick and practical unique dishes to be consumed before training. "Thanks to the richness of fiber and complex carbohydrates, they help to keep appetite under control and not to make the muscles lack the" fuel "essential to face training", he explains Nicoletta Bocchino, nutritionist biologist. Whole spelled pasta is also excellent for sports enthusiasts, especially if you go to the gym in the early afternoon. «Although from a caloric point of view it is similar to that of wheat (100 grams provides about 350 calories), it is more digestible. It therefore allows you to face light training, but with the right energy . says the expert, who here explains why spelled is the ideal cereal for sports enthusiasts.

Counteracts the drop in energy

"Whole spelled, in flakes, puffed or in the form of derivatives, including bread, has the great advantage of providing energy to the body in a slow way. In fact, it has a lower glycemic index than that of wheat and allows better modulation of insulin secretion to limit sudden energy drops during training, "says nutritionist Nicoletta Bocchino. "The merit is of the complex carbohydrates and fiber of which it is a source that ensure energy and satiety for a long time".

Combats fatigue

Spelled provides a series of precious vitamins to combat the sense of fatigue during and after the workout. It provides B vitamins. «Contains vitamin B2 and vitamin B3, which play a fundamental role in the energy metabolism of fats, sugars and proteins. This cereal is also a source of tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that help you feel energized during training. Furthermore, its grains combined in the same meal with foods that provide vitamin C (spinach, lettuce, rocket, kiwi, citrus fruits) provide iron that is more easily assimilated by the body, useful for less fatigue, "says the expert.

Promotes muscle and bone health

Spelled provides methionine, an essential amino acid. «Combined with legumes (chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas) in the same meal, it provides all the essential amino acids involved in the development and maintenance of muscles. In addition, it promotes the formation of proteins, which are essential for post-workout muscle recovery. Spelled is also a good source of calcium, a bone-healthy mineral. It strengthens the skeleton and reduces the risk of suffering joint pain and osteoporosis ", says the expert.

Helps stay away from cramps

Spelled is rich in vitamins that have an antioxidant action. "This cereal in particular provides good amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E which act as antioxidants for the control of free radicals that form during intense efforts, reducing inflammatory states during physical activity", says nutritionist Nicoletta Mouthpiece. Finally, its grains are an extraordinary source of magnesium. "This mineral promotes the correct functioning of the circulatory system and provides the muscles with an important help, counteracting the cramps that can occur during and after training".


Asian Farro Medley with Salmon

Farro, shiitake mushrooms, and snap peas are sauteed with ginger, garlic and spices and served with wild salmon marinated with honey, lemon and soy sauce. Not only is this dish absolutely delicious, it’s also high in protein, omega-3’s and is ready in about 30 minutes.

I’ve been getting requests for more farro recipes. If you haven’t tried farro, it’s a wonderful ancient grain with a nutty texture that is usually found in health food stores. I buy the pearled variety which takes only about 20 minutes to make, and I actually prefer it over brown rice, especially since it’s ready so quick. If you can’t find farro, you can use brown rice or barley in it’s place.

Asian Farro Medley with Salmon
Servings: 4 • Size: 1 1/3 cups + 1 salmon fillet • Old Pts: 8 • Points+: 10 pts
Calories: 403 • Fat: 8 g • Carb: 55 g • Fiber: 7 g • Protein: 30 g • Sugar: 8 g
Sodium: 701 mg  • Cholesterol: 55 mg


  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 1/2 lemons, juice of
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce, reduced sodium
  • 14 oz wild salmon fillets, cut into 4 pieces
  • 1 cup pearled farro
  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 clove crushed garlic
  • 1 tbsp sambal chili paste
  • 7 oz sliced shiitake mushrooms
  • 1 tbsp fresh ginger, finely minced
  • 1 cup snap peas
  • 1/2 cup sliced scallions, divided
  • 1 tbsp black sesame seeds


Mix honey, juice of half a lemon, garlic powder, and 1 tbsp of the soy sauce in bowl.  Add salmon to marinade and set aside in refrigerator up to 30 minutes turning once after 15 minutes; reserve the marinade.

To prepare the farro – add farro with 3 cups of water to sauce pan.  Boil on medium high, covered.  Lower heat to medium low and allow to cook for 15 to 20 minutes, or according to directions on package. If any water is left, drain and set aside.

While the farro is draining, in a large non-stick skillet, add te remaining ingredients: 2 tbsp soy sauce, oyster sauce, remaining lemon juice, crushed garlic, and Sambal Chili Paste.  Add mushrooms, ginger, snap peas, 1/4 cup scallions and cook on medium heat for 5 minutes. Add the farro and toss with the vegetables.

Meanwhile, heat a nonstick skillet on medium heat sprayed lightly with cooking spray, remove salmon from marinade but do not discard, cook salmon 2 minutes on each side then add the marinade, cover and cook on low heat 5 minutes. Serve the vegetables and farro in a dish and top with salmon, remaining scallions and sesame seeds.

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