Tag: farmer

Roberto Valbuzzi: chef, farmer and environmentalist – Italian Cuisine


The virtuous example of the Garden of the future: eating well to do good for yourself and the environment

Having a vegetable garden it is above all a care for oneself and cultivating the earth in a conscious and sustainable way can also contribute to the well-being of our planet. In short, we should all be a little bit peasants. The "recipe" is from Roberto Valbuzzi, famous TV face and chef of Crotto Valtellina in Malnate, who baptized theGarden of the future, three and a half hectares of organic crops in the agricultural park south of Milan where those vegetables are born that, from the earth to the table, can also do good for the environment.
Roberto Valbuzzi, among other things, has recently arrived in the bookstore with a new book that already contains all its history and tradition in the title: Cook, restaurateur, farmer. Recipes, flavors and memories made of air, earth, water and fire (Gribaudo, 2021). «I consider myself lucky, he says, «because in the family DNA I can count generations of farmers as well as restaurateurs. The grandparents run a farm in Mornago, also in the province of Varese: it is thanks to them that he has learned to appreciate the flavors of the earth and to develop a passion for cooking and fresh products.

Garden of the future.
Garden of the future.

«The earth is my cure. And also save the planet "

Just like it happens for the Garden of the future, born from a collaboration between a social agricultural cooperative, Agrivis, and a multinational in the food sector, Knorr, Unilever group. Seasonal vegetables are grown – for herbs, kale, ribs, black cabbage and spinach sown in July, the time of harvest has come – which adapt to the climate and the Lombard territory and with a better environmental impact than others more commonly used. The purpose? Make greater use of products of plant origin, paying attention to seasonality, the short supply chain and especially the variety.
In fact, it happens that 75% of the world's food supply comes from only 12 plant species and 5 animal species. And that the entire supply chain linked to food is responsible for more than 20% of the global impact on climate change, consumption of water and soil resources, depletion of non-renewable energy resources. The key to healthy and sustainable food starts from awareness at the table, agree the scientific consultants of the project, Professor Fabio Iraldo of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa and the nutritionist Evelina Flachi. It is possible to change eating habits if we are aware of the positive consequences that our choices can have. For our health and the environment around us.

Text by Filippo Falco


How to shop at the farmer online – Italian Cuisine

How to shop at the farmer online


Not only do large supermarkets give the opportunity to buy online: with a few clicks you can also receive fruit and vegetables directly from small producers at home

Cortilia was the first online agricultural market where to buy seasonal fruits and vegetables, organic products and gluten-free foods from selected agricultural and artisan producers. You can compose your own trolley at will or opt for one subscription to cassettes made with an assortment of products and receiving them as often as desired.

The Farmer-online delivers products throughout Italy that come from selected and respectful producers of nature: there you go from fruit and vegetables to wine and condiments, but also pasta, rice and mozzarella. Information about the caloric intake, nutritional characteristics and health benefits is provided for the products. Before ordering, take a look also at "offers" section with the discounts of the moment.

Spent by the farmer is a site where to find the farms that make direct sales selecting the region, the province, the products that interest us and putting a filter if we are only looking for organic products. It works similarly Eat in season, but on the cities of Rimini, Cesena, Ravenna, Parma, Piacenza.

With PortaNatura, active with delivery in the cities of Milan and neighborhood, Turin, Genoa, Alessandria and Novi Ligure, you can order fruits and vegetables, eggs, bread, milk, cheeses, pasta, rice, legumes and much more, all from organic and biodynamic farms. You can opt for a subscription or shop online from time to time. There is also the possibility of buying bulk products, in a tempered glass jar with a small deposit of 6 euros which will be re-credited upon return. On the site you will also find sections dedicated to the recipes and offers of the week.

Bioexpress is the online platform of a group of organic farmers from South Tyrol. You can order fruit and vegetables in "single" bags for 1 or 2 people or in medium or large baskets choosing whether to fill them only with fruit, only with vegetables or with both. There is also the composition designed specifically to prepare the baby food during weaning, while the news is the "Bio office envelopes" with delivery to the workplace with fruit, vegetables and snacks.

The Beehive that says Yes! is a platform where you can buy online, based on the territory that interests us, the products offered for sale by local producers and artisans who are part of the network. Once a week the distribution in 'Area hive: a bar, a restaurant, an association of the territory that makes its spaces available, thus transforming itself into a sort of small ephemeral market. The goal is to develop a reference service for the short chain, reconciling technology with a social and collaborative economic model. All at the service of agriculture and healthy and local eating.


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