Tag: Danish pastry

Mother’s Day breakfast ideas

It’s the one time of year when the kids and your other half actually want to get in the kitchen, so you’d better make the most of it and start the day with a lovely breakfast. Now we’re not suggesting that they should be in the kitchen for hours creating a gourmet breakfast, but a nice, simple treat is sometimes the best way to start the day.

We’ve got some easy ideas for Mother’s Day breakfast right here, as well as a speedy decoration that will make any breakfast seem that little bit more special.


Mother’s Day breakfast in bed tray decoration

Simply print off this pretty tray cover onto 2 A4 sheets, stick together down the middle and lay (or stick) onto your tray. It will undoubtedly get a little dirty, but you can just scrunch it up and throw it away after! A single flower in a glass/small vase and some freshly-squeezed orange juice will frame your breakfast perfectly. Download your Mother’s Day breakfast in bed decoration here



One of the most obvious ingredients to turn to is eggs. There are plenty of easy ways to cook them in minutes and they can be turned into a special breakfast quite easily.

Soft boiled eggs

Traditionally served with bread soldiers, they can be replaced with a variety of different dipping ingredients. Asparagus, carrots and cucumbers would give the dish a lovely fresh taste and leave mum with plenty of room left over for the rest of her Mother’s Day treats.  

Poached eggs

A little fiddly to get right, poached eggs always make a meal that little bit posher. Once you’ve perfected them (our how to make a poached egg video should help you there), use it to top a simple slice of toast with avocado or combine with Hollandaise sauce on its own for eggs Benedict or with smoked salmon (eggs Royale) or spinach (eggs Florentine).

Scrambled egg

Ready in minutes, a fresh batch of scrambled eggs is a light choice for breakfast in bed. Serve with chopped smoked salmon or crushed avocado and a squeeze of lemon for a fresh twist.

French toast

Eggs are also the primary ingredient for turning a piece of bread into delicious French toast. Beat the eggs and add some cinnamon, dip the bread in and shallow fry, you can even add other ingredients/flavours such as orange or cocoa powder or top with bacon and maple syrup. So tasty and so easy.



Think weekend breakfast has to be a fry-up? You can make mum’s a little
bit fancier by substituting a few of the standard ingredients. 

Poached egg instead of fried and slow-roasted tomatoes instead of grilled instantly lifts the meal. Bacon and sausages can be swapped for pancetta and chorizo and hearty bread from the bakery will make a big difference.



All you need is a little flour, egg and milk to make a fresh stack of pancakes – they really are that simple.

Add fruit, such as blueberries to the batter, or top with crispy bacon and maple syrup to turn them into a breakfast treat. 



If your mum is a bit of a cereal nut then she should, of course, have her favourite on Mother’s Day. 

You needn’t just pour some out of the box though, homemade granola or muesli with big chunks of fresh fruit and nuts is the perfect treat.





The smell will be heavenly to wake up to on a Sunday morning and a batch of warm muffins will also please almost any mum. Blueberry, raspberry, banana – even chocolate muffins for breakfast is always a pleasure.



A freshly-made croissant or pain au chocolate will take a little while to make, but it will be more than worth it. A Danish pastry made with ready-made puff pastry and flavoured with a cinnamon swirl or vanilla custard is a naughty way to start the day – but it’s only once a year, right?


Fruit salad

Light, fresh and zingy, a bowl of fruit salad is a light start to the day – it’s also great to make with the kids.

Chop up the fruit for them and arrange some juices and flavours and let them construct their own masterpiece. They could even blend their fruit salad down into a smoothie with a little milk and honey.


Where to next? 

More breakfast ideas

Mother’s Day cakes and bakes 

Mother’s Day biscuits 

Danish pastry

Goodtoknow TV

Free & easy recipe video: Watch new how-to recipe videos with goodtoknow and Woman’s Weekly see all videos >

This is a really quick way to make Danish pastries with a packet of ready-made puff pastry. You can vary the filling –try a different flavoured jam, a spoonful of thick custard or a chunk of fresh or canned fruit. They are best eaten warm on the day of making but they can be prepared up to the end of step 3 then chilled in the fridge until you are ready to bake them.

  • Makes: 8

  • Prep time: 15 mins

  • Cooking time: 15 mins

  • Total time: 30 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

That’s goodtoknow

Drizzle the warm pastries with a little lemon flavoured glace icing and sprinkle with flaked almonds instead of dusting with icing, if liked.


  • 500g puff pastry, thawed if frozen
  • 8tbsp raspberry jam
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Icing sugar, for dusting


  1. Preheat the oven.
  2. Roll the pastry out on lightly floured surface to a large rectangle about 40 X 20 cm. Trim the edges with a sharp knife and cut into 8 x 10 cm squares.
  3. Sprinkle two baking sheets with a little cold water. Place the pastry squares on the baking sheets.
  4. Place a spoonful of jam in the centre of each square. Dab the four corners of each square with a little beaten egg then fold each corner in so the point just meets the jam.
  5. Glaze the pastry lightly with beaten egg and bake for 15 mins until risen, golden and crisp. Serve warm or cold lightly dusted with icing sugar.

By Nichola Palmer

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Nutritional information

Guideline Daily Amount for 2,000 calories per day are: 70g fat, 20g saturated fat, 90g sugar, 6g salt.

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