Tag: clams

Seafood, not just mussels and clams – Italian Cuisine

Seafood, not just mussels and clams


on clams We have already told you how to choose them and buy them. The oysters, even the ecological and low-cost ones, we consider them a world apart. on mussels it is certainly worthwhile to say something more. And above all it is worth to know also the other local shells, exquisite fruits of our sea to be received and enjoyed with honor.

Let's start with the mussels, or muscles what to say. Of course there are only books to write about them. The recipes? Infinite (here the top ten). Here are just a few ideas: there are several breeding systems, but above all there are several 'Terroir'. For the mussels, really as for wine. Every land, or rather every sea, has its own nutrients and characteristic aromas, and all the mussels absorb them – even if, unlike the common belief, the "filters" of the sea are actually clams.

And speaking of clams: with le clams – or telline if you prefer – there are very few, even two different families! (with the exception of the Sardinian ones, which one type of clams actually are). The clam is larger and more rounded, with concentric grooves on the shell (unfortunately the prized and very tasty local clam has been almost completely supplanted by the Philippine one…). The cocklesinstead, they have shells more smooth and colorful and taste more delicate. That of the Roman coast, an exquisite ancient tradition, is protected by Slow Food, still harvested by raking the sandy beaches by hand on calm days.

The fasolari they have a shell that is a cross between that of the clam and that of the arsella. Their meat is very soft and the tasty taste. From the same family as the clams, unlike the latter, they are unable to completely purge the sand in water and salt, so it is necessary to open the shells by hand and rinse the mollusc (for how to clean them, see here). Excellent steamed or sautéed, they season pasta and risotto and are the protagonists of delicious recipes like the one that sees them seasoned with almond butter.

The razor clams they are those long cones, as its name implies. They live in the sand, they taste strong sea and are excellent for pasta, or au gratin or cooked on the grill. Rich in minerals and low in fat, here's a tip to prepare them: avoid prolonging too much cooking, they become hard and chewy.

The snails they are rare and are delicious bread for real sea wolves. After having purged them, the cap that closes them should be blown up the pan and the broth then filtered. They are eaten in sauce, fitted with toothpicks with which to draw the little snails out of their shell.

The sea truffle, from the meats lean, nutrients (proteins ad high biological value) and prized, has a taste intense and particular – especially when eaten raw, as is often preferred. In the first it goes well with pesto or a sauce based on aromatic herbs and white wine.

The scallops, also known as shells of St. James are the exquisite medallions locked up in spectacular shell fan-shaped. In addition to meat, the 'coral' is also delicious, as are their gonads. The adults in nature can also reach 15 cm in diameter; they move fast and see us very well! They do not stand out for their nutritional supply, but they are low-calorie and golosisime.

Aurora Quinto
September 2019



Cream of cannellini and clams – Italian Cuisine

»Cream of cannellini and clams


First clean the clams.

Sauté garlic and oil, then add the clams, cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for a few minutes, until they open.

Drain by filtering the cooking water and keeping it aside, then shell the clams, keeping aside only a few in the shell to decorate the dish at the end.

Put the beans in a bowl with salt, pepper, oil and a little cooking of the clams, then begin to blend with a blender, adding more cooking water if needed to reach the consistency you prefer.

Pour the cream into a dish and add the shelled clams.

The cream of cannellini beans and clams is ready: decorate with a few shells, some basil and a couple of croutons and serve hot, warm or even cold.


How to make sauté of clams – Italian Cuisine


The clams are delicate and very tasty molluscs: they are perfect on a plate of spaghetti, but they become delicious if served in sauté, with some croutons to accompany

Do you love them too? The clams, those savory and tasty molluscs, perfect on a plate of spaghetti, but also excellent enjoyed alone, in a delicate stew made only with oil and good white wine. Saute of clams it is a simple dish to prepare, made only of a few excellent quality ingredients, perfect as a second course of fish or even in smaller portions, as an appetizer. To do it properly, follow the our recipe!

You might be interested: HOW TO MAKE SPAGHETTI WITH CLAMS

Clams: which ones to choose?

The clams are not all the same: there are those smaller, usually tastier but less scenic, and those true, with the darker shell and the mollusk with two blackish antennae. The former are easier to find and usually cost a few euros less, the latter are generally more expensive. The choice depends on your taste: more tasty or more spectacular dish? To you the arduous sentence. Always remember that the clams must be lives and sold in nets with labels that specify the origin of the molluscs and the date of packaging.

Tomato yes, tomato no

The purists of the stew will turn up their noses in the presence of tomato on the plate, but as usual, the versions of a recipe are always very many and it is not certain that a small variation must irreparably change the meaning of a dish. So: if you like it, add it as well, otherwise leave it alone and limit yourself to oil, clams, white wine, garlic and parsley. The result will be amazing.

Clam cleaning

Clam cleaning is not a negligible aspect: you must have time (minimum 2 hours) e patience. The clams are found on the seabed and are often full of sand. They need to bleed before being cooked, to avoid the unpleasant effect of feeling the grains under your teeth when you eat them. Then take them, rinse them and leave them to rest in a large bowl full of water and salt for at least two hours (remembering to change the water at least twice). A small handful of salt will not suffice: to make sure that they are purged, the clams must recover their natural element, sea water. So you abound considering putting 35 g of salt per liter of water. Once the two hours have passed, rinse them under running water and check with your hands that no sand is left.

The recipe for sautéed clams

Take a kilo of clams, let them purge, rinse them and place them in a large pan over the fire to open. Close with a lid and cook for a few minutes. When you see that they have opened, turn off the heat and remove them from the pan, keeping the cooking liquid which you will then filter. In another pan, sauté two cloves of garlic. When they are golden, add fresh tomato fillets (if you like) or directly the clams. Add half a glass of white wine, and when it has evaporated, filter it. Cook for a few minutes and then, with the heat off, add chopped parsley and a handful of black pepper. Serve the clam sauté on croutons of toasted bread.

Some recipes with clams tested in our editorial office


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