Tag: boss

How to Peel Garlic Like a Boss…Like an Actual Boss

People throw the term “like a boss” around very casually
these days, but when I say this technique shows how to peel garlic like a boss,
it’s meant literally. I was channel surfing a while back, and saw Martha
Stewart demo this very cool trick, and she is, in every sense of the word, a

Many people have inspired me along this entrepreneurial
journey online, and Martha is definitely one of them. By the way, I hope she
doesn’t take exception to my prison shank joke; but since we are friends (and
by friends I mean we’ve never spoken, but do follow each other on Twitter), I’m
sure she’ll be fine with it. All kidding aside, this trick is no joke.

The great thing about this method, besides the speed and
ease, is that you are truly peeling the garlic, and not crushing it. A crushed
garlic clove produces a stronger flavor than a peeled one, especially when used
raw, and so this is perfect when you need to mince or slice whole, undamaged
cloves. I hope you give this easy trick a try soon. Enjoy!

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