Tag: Bleu

Valle d’Aosta style cutlet or cordon bleu – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Valle d'Aosta style cutlet or cordon bleu


There Aosta Valley cutlet or cordon bleu it is rich, delicious and super stuffed with a filling made from cooked ham and fontina, the typical cheese of Val d’Aosta. A tasty, nutritious and decidedly substantial dish, which is prepared with flour, eggs, breadcrumbs, butter, salt and pepper. Discover the differences with the Milanese cutlet.

How to make Aosta Valley cutlet

The fantastic Valle d’Aosta style cutlet It is prepared by beating the veal slices and stuffing them with a filling made of fontina and cooked ham, then the slices are floured, dipped in eggs beaten with salt and pepper and finally in breadcrumbs and then browned in a pan in a bed of melted butter until golden brown. Here are all the steps of the recipe illustrated in detail.


Cordon bleu? Better home-made ones! – Italian Cuisine

Cordon bleu? Better home-made ones!


Meat with crispy breading, ham and stringy heart of cheese: it looks like a dish of haute cuisine, but it is the second most delicious and easy in the world

The children are crazy, but also like adults. Let's talk about the cordon bleu, the famous stuffed chicken cutlets. Prepare the cordon bleu at home It's really a breeze and we can assure you that the result will be surprising. You will never buy those packaged and ready to cook again.

Fried or baked Cordon bleu

As well as the cutlets, you can prepare the cordon bleu both baked and fried in the pan, in oil or in butter. We assure you that baking is equally tasty and much more digestible, so prefer it especially when cooking for children. As for frying, however, used extra virgin olive oila, not too much, but enough to grease a pan well, and then add the meat only when the oil is hot enough otherwise the bread will absorb it all.
There cooking in butter it has a more round and delicate taste, but we suggest oil.
You can also prepare the cordon bleu and then freeze them.
It is not necessary to defrost them to bake them in the oven, while if you want to make them in the pan, transfer them from the freezer to the refrigerator a few hours before so they can become soft.

The filling

The classic stuffing is based on cooked ham and cheese which melts in cooking, like scamorza, thin cheese or fontina. But you can also use another type of sliced ​​as for example the mortadella, pancetta or speck and other cheeses, always very soft though. Avoid mozzarella because it is watery.


Pay attention to the breading that must be well done and must cover all the meat. In this way during cooking it will keep all the stuffing inside without letting it come out. We therefore advise you to make one double breading first pass the cordon bleu into the flour then into the egg, then again into the flour and egg and finally into the breadcrumbs. In this way you will get a crispy crust that will counteract the soft heart of cheese.

The cordon bleu recipe

With a meat mallet thin the chicken slices.
Put a piece of cheese and a slice of cooked ham on the half of the slice close to the wallet. If you are skilled in cutting meat, take a fairly high slice and cut it into a pocket to fill.
Pass the meat in the flour and then in the beaten egg and then again in the flour and egg and finally in the breadcrumbs.
Bake in oven at 180 ° for about 25 minutes or fry in hot, but not boiling, extra-virgin olive oil.

The vegetable version of the cordon bleu

You can prepare excellent cordon bleu also with le vegetables instead of meat. Try for example with of grilled aubergines to be stacked in pairs stuffed inside as if they were a sandwich. Also good zucchini, but you have to find the round ones. The sweet tooth, however, will love the cordon bleu made with potatoes and cooked in the oven.


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