Tag: Birthday

How to organize a last minute birthday party – Italian Cuisine

How to organize a last minute birthday party


Easy, casual, fun, delicious: the next birthday party will be like this. Here are three tips for cooking quick and original recipes

Is your birthday approaching and you have absolutely no idea how to celebrate it? For this time going out to dinner is excluded: if you bet on saving, organizing a birthday party at home is the solution for you. But it is not the only reason. At home you can give us inside customizing the party with a theme, decorations and typical recipes.

If the fateful date is in the middle of the week and you haven't had enough time either to think or to cook, better to use some shortcuts. Get out of work at 6 pm and you only have a couple of hours to do everything: you have to play early or choose very easy recipes, but at the same time greedy and suitable for a party. Imperatives: make a quick shopping and make less pans as dirty as possible.

What to cook? Here are three ideas that everyone will like, for a mouth-watering birthday party at home.

1. Browse, take us to safety

The resolver # 1 of all our problems is the puff pastry ready, easy and quick to prepare. To not lose even a moment longer, fill it with ingredients that are cut quickly and that should not be cooked separately, such as cold cuts and cheeses. Here are some of our quick recipes.

Tired of the usual birthday cake? The pastry is also perfect as a dessert! Here are 10 ideas for one sweet puff pastry.

2. Let's soak!

drench nachos and chips in sauces is fun, but for such an important evening it's important to be original. The guacamole it is perfect: it is different from the usual and is prepared in just 15 minutes. Click here for the guacamole recipe.

Try this one too cheese sauce: Just mix a creamy cheese, like robiola, with sour cream. Season with a few drops of vinegar, salt, pepper and other spices or herbs to taste!

With the caprine or the ricotta cheese you can also prepare tasty mousse savory with tuna, ham, salmon or vegetables, to spread also on toasted bread. See all our tips here.

3. Clouds are raining

The classic of the classics, cannot absolutely miss. Don't be afraid, the sandwiches are not only suitable for children's parties. Just use amazing ingredients: for example, this tropical sandwich can be prepare in advance and it will surely amaze your guests!

What to drink?

We must all agree on drinks too. Can not miss the bubbles! Without being trivial, it is good to focus on something that is not too complex, fresh and suitable for an aperitif.

In gallery at the top, don't miss all the other tips to organize an unforgettable birthday at home


Why does Queen Elizabeth celebrate her birthday twice? – Italian Cuisine

Why does Queen Elizabeth celebrate her birthday twice?


Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her birthday on April 21 and the second Saturday of June … why?

April 21st is the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, which calendar this year wants to add to the celebration of Holy Easter. Born 93 years ago, however, the sovereign does not celebrate her special day like all of us, it would be too simple. As His Majesty, however, it is British tradition that the birthday party be repeated twice, did you know? The most curious thing is precisely the reason for this double party, which will make you smile …

Double birthday

The eldest daughter of King George VI and Queen Consort Elizabeth, was born in London on 21 April 1926, more precisely at 02.40am at 17 Bruton Street in the elegant Mayfair district. Like all ordinary mortals, Elizabeth II he celebrates his birthdays on the day of his birth – we cannot stop ourselves from imagining her elegantly dressed in royal clothes blowing candles on a huge cake prepared by the pastry chefs of the royal house! Already from its twenty-eighth birthday everything changes: in fact, starting from the day of its coronation, June 2, 1953, the double celebration takes place. In fact, His Majesty celebrates both on his actual day of April 21st and the second Saturday of June.

The funny tradition is not due to an aristocratic whim, but has its own because in an essential element of the United Kingdom: the climate! The change dates back to the 18th century, when King George II decided to move the day of his birthday celebrations from November to June to find in the English climate once more forgiving and favorable to the military parade with which he intends to celebrate the event. From 1748 it is tradition that the second Saturday of June honors the birthday of the reigning ruler with the colored one Trooping Colors. Then, in the 66 years of unchallenged reign, Queen Elizabeth II has always celebrated her birthday twice: traditionally April 21 in private with the family, while in June with celebrations in great pomp before the English subjects and numerous tourists.

The queen's cakes

Despite the Sovereign's diet is decidedly balanced, healthy and light, her rigor falters in front of the cakes, especially if of chocolate. The former royal cook Darren McGrady in fact, she revealed Elisabetta II's passion for the food of the gods in an interview with the magazine Harper’s Bazaar, which she tastes moderately almost every day. The Royal Chef has always made sure that his favorite chocolate cake, or the Chocolate Biscuit Cake, which even wants to find at hand even when traveling.

Over the years, this passion has been repeatedly documented giving a more human and less distant appearance to the stainless queen. For his 90 years, the winner of Great Britain Bake Off, Nadiya Hussain, has prepared a real work of art by cake design on three floors between gold and palettes of lilac really attractive. A birthday so important to be honored with another spectacular cake, a huge rectangle that replicates the colors of the British flag with berries, donated on the occasion of Prince William's diplomatic visit and his wife Kate in New Delhi. Also in 1989 the birthday cake it is on three floors, this time in white with colorful decorations, then donated by the Royal Welch Fusiliers military corps to Powis Castle in Wales. But not just birthdays: often official commitments involve cutting the cake and its pleasure in sinking the knife is undeniable!

Browse the gallery to see Queen Elizabeth II struggling with beautiful cakes!


Happy birthday Sassicaia! – Italian Cuisine

Happy birthday Sassicaia!


It began as a "vague experiment", it has become one of the best wines in the world. The history of Sassicaia is so incredible that the stage of the Teatro Regio in Parma was conquered on February 15th. "We broke the banks," said the director to welcome the 100 guests of an unprecedented and original tasting evening led by Daniele Cernilli following the 50 years of this label.

When a Sassicaia is born

Sassicaia was born in Bolgheri on the intuition of Mario Incisa della Rocchetta, an austere and kind Piedmontese who came to Tuscany more for horses than for wine. Its the legendary Ribot, a thoroughbred who won 16 prizes in a row. The marquis, to avoid salt, decided to plant a vineyard at 3-400 meters, to the south-east as he had seen in France, called Sassicaia because of the pebbles between the vines. In 1968 he went out on the market with his first "vague experiment" as he wrote to Gino Veronelli. In 2015 it was the best wine in the world for Wine Spectator.

The winery is located in San Guido where the avenue of the Carducci cypresses begins towards Bolgheri. A land blessed by the wind of the sea and the magona, the Mediterranean scrub as they call it here that keeps the summer night cool. Without forgetting the Bolgheri Oasis, a reserve where storks migrate, live 3 thousand wild geese and still find the golden plover.
The Sassicaia is vinified with a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon (85%) and Cabernet Franc (15%), semi-aromatic grape varieties typical of Bordeaux, and refined in the small wood of the barrique preserved inclined "bonde à coté" to minimize the contact with the air.

When to drink a Sassicaia, pairings

Its characteristic is to hide a fresh scent of kiwi and eucalyptus among the classic ones of cassis and spices, and to be long-lasting over time without ever being aggressive on the palate.

It goes well with feather game or even Florentine for a moderate alcohol that does not go to clash with fresh pepper, but its elegant style makes it also suitable for fish dishes such as a sole or a mushroom umbrella, inspired by a winter sea idea.

Two vintages to taste

Sassicaia 2010 smells of walnut husk and helichrysum as a breath of Mediterranean scrub, more dancer than swimmer for the delicacy on the palate, with a fresh kiwi finish.
Sassicaia 2015 has a fresh hint of cassis on the nose, the sweetness of the clove and of the tobacco, the density of the great aging wines without any roughness already in their youth.

Text by Aldo Fiordelli


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