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Iolanda Award 2024, the new edition begins – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


The press conference to present the seventh edition of the event took place today in Milan, at the Gusto Sobrio space Iolanda Awardnational literary competition dedicated to cookbooks and recipes.

The Iolanda Award was born from an idea of Vera Slepoj and Davide Paolini, Presidents of the Award and the Jury, with the desire to establish for the first time a national award dedicated to the best cookbook and recipe book. The Award includes different categories: Cooking and Recipes, Literature on Wine, Healthy Cooking, Memory Recipes, Local Cuisine.

The Jury of the Iolanda Prize

Presidents of the Prize and the Jury: Davide Paolini, Vera Slepoj

Cooking and Recipes Award: Valeria Bisanti, Guido Bosticco, Benedetto Cavalieri, Diego de Leo, Silvio Perrella, Michela Santoro, Giuseppe Seracca Guerrieri, Pietro Torrigiani Malaspina, Paola Trifirò (Iolanda Prize 2021), Marina Valensise

Honorary President of the Wine Literature Award Jury: Lamberto Frescobaldi

Wine Literature Award: Rossana Bettini, Lorenzo Capellini, Gilda Caputo, Stefano Cosma (Iolanda Prize 2021), Massimo d’Amore, Tiziana d’Antoni, Nicola de Castris, Maddalena Fossombroni, Enrico Pandiani (Iolanda Prize 2020), Maurizio Zanella

How to participate

They can participate in the Iolanda Award all Italian publishing houses with a published work on a topic strictly related to recipes and the culture connected to them, such as history, originality, illustrations; the publication period of the candidate works is between 20 September 2023 and 10 August 2024. Judging the literary works will be Italian personalities and excellences linked to the world of Italian culture and cuisine.

Why the Iolanda Award

The name of the project was inspired by Mrs Iolandaa chef from Salento who represents all the child chefs who cooked in the square and contributed to making Italian cuisine an excellence: the Iolanda Award wants to be a tribute to this symbolic figure – since Italian cuisine is a cuisine of knowledge and figures of women, who learned the trade from a very young age, cooking in the family and for parties, the secret and precious recipes that were handed down – and at the same time a way to enhance the great tradition of Italian cuisine, celebrating those recipes that are a inalienable treasure of every family’s history.


«Italian cuisine between sustainability and biocultural diversity Unesco Heritage: the collection of signatures begins – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Between them now Jimmy Ghionehistoric correspondent of Strip the News, loved by the general public also for the commitment shown over the years to the protection and valorization of Italian cuisine and its products. He spoke about the importance of collecting signatures to support the candidacy of Italian cuisine during the episode of Antonio Ricci’s beloved program which aired on January 27th. He did it in a symbolic way, accompanied by president Pecoraro Scanio and Enrico Derflingher, president of the Euro-Toques Italia ed International association, and for years personal chef to Queen Elizabeth II. Together they prepared a risotto with black truffle: a dish that tells the story of the great chef’s cuisine and an example of the harmony of Italian products, PDO and PGI, which characterize each territory of our country with their aromas and flavors.

The uniqueness of the candidacy of Italian cuisine

«The candidacy of Italian Italian cuisine as a UNESCO heritage site is also this: a campaign to valorise the products and traditions of the individual territories. Because its uniqueness also lies in this: in the fact that it is different from country to country, from province to province”, says Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, announcing that there will still be other examples that will tell of this diversity and biodiversity. «Pasta will be the next common thread: it is the most identifying feature of our cuisine in the common imagination and among the ingredients that are best suited to act as a trait d’union to our products, to represent them and therefore to share them.

An inclusive candidacy

Sharing, after all, is the key word behind every application, made to promote an art, a tradition, a culture, so that it is known, appreciated, and once again shared. «The UNESCO nominations are exactly the opposite of a protectionist claim. If we nominated pizza or opera singing it was not to hold on to them, to claim their Italianness, but because they are beautiful things with a global value, explains Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio. «The same is true for the candidacy of Italian cuisine, which we would also like to see valorized by UNESCO for its sustainability and biodiversity, to be the basis of a diet – the Mediterranean one – which has become a food model throughout the world, says the Univerde president. And he continues: «This is why it is important to sign: this candidacy concerns everyone, it is an inclusive path, and I hope it involves people just like it did for pizza.

What would happen if Italian cuisine became a World Heritage Site

Moreover, if UNESCO were to actually accept our proposal, we would all gain, just as has already happened with pizza. «Following the entry of the art of Neapolitan pizza chefs into the world’s heritage, requests for Neapolitan school pizza chefs have multiplied: not Neapolitans of origin, but people around the world who have learned to make pizza following the rules and traditions of Neapolitan art. This would also apply to Italian cuisine: it would be about spreading knowledge, not putting up a fence. Sharing a heritage.” A heritage of history, stories, knowledge, traditions, which involves each of us.
To sign, click on www.change.org.

Other articles from La Cucina Italiana that might interest you:

Opera singing and Italian cuisine: an unparalleled heritage
The candidacy of Italian cuisine for UNESCO: what now?


The future that awaits us begins with respect for the Earth – Italian Cuisine


The round tables of “La Cucina Italiana” on sustainability, biodiversity and new forms of consumption are back on 26 September with four online events. For a better planet

How will we grow, harvest, taste in the future? How can we start from the (good) table to support the planet and its biodiversity? Or even our health?

They come back, from September 26, the appointments of “La Cucina Italiana” on the digital platform ilfuturocheciaspetta.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com.

The initiative is part of the journey through which our newspaper nominates the kitchen of the home as a World Heritage Site. The theme, more than ever, is the sustainability and respect for biodiversity (of which Italy is the richest in Europe). We discuss it, in 4 round tables, moderated by our editorial staff, with great experts in the sector: chefs, managers of the food and wine world and exponents of the cultural world. Are you curious? Connect and follow us on this delightful adventure.

In the meantime, a brief preview for you on our guests and on the topics we will address.

Between villages and villages

Angela Odone, of the editorial staff of “La Cucina Italiana” will talk about it with Davide Rampello (curator, manager, university professor and artistic director of Fidenza Village, part of The Bicester Village Shopping Collection) and with Massimo Spigaroli (chef and patron of the Antica Corte Pallavicina in Polesine Parmense, one Michelin star).

At the center of the discussion is a trend and a desire: that of more humane habits after the pandemic. Small villages are the realities that have proven to be more solid and supportive, guardian of sustainability and biodiversity and ideal center for a new (ancient) form of economy and culture.

The pleasure of doing together

A title that tastes like team building for a chat about the wonderful and highly titled Parma, the subject of this meeting moderated by food and wine critics and signature of the Fiammetta Fadda newspaper: the title of "Italian Capital of Culture" joins those of Parma Capital of the Food Valley and, since 2015, in Parma, the First Unesco Creative Italian City for gastronomy. They will be with us Christian House, councilor for trade, tourism and the Unesco project of the Municipality of Parma e Anna Maria Meo, general director of the Regio Teatro di Parma. From masterpieces of art to trattorias passing through a world-famous culinary academy, the step is short, you will see.

Resilient agriculture and farmers

What does it mean to produce organic food today? What is precision agriculture? Why is nutriceutics the new frontier of our health? And, again, what is an eco-resort and how can a garden save the environment as well as surround our table. Sara Tieni from the editorial staff of our magazine will ask these and many other questions to Massimo Monti, CEO of Alce Nero, for 40 years in the organic and Mario Faro, CEO of Radicepura and Piante Faro, a horticultural company, leader in Europe in the sector of Mediterranean plants, as well as creator of the Radicepura Garden Festival.

Sacred as wine

Danilo Poggio, our wine editor, finally explores the theme of “The sacredness of wine. From food to conviviality ". With him two guests with very different professional backgrounds: Giovanna Frosini, professor of history of the Italian language and Academic of the Crusca, e Beniamino Garofalo, CEO of Santa Margherita Gruppo Vinicolo who will tell us about great insights such as the one from which their great Pinot Grigio was born. But we will also talk about how consumers are changing, increasingly ethical and aware. Because it is from awareness, first of all, and from love and gratitude for what surrounds us that great works for the future are born.


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