Tag: beef stock

Roasted Beef Tri Tip with Four-Peppercorn Crust – A Holiday Roast with an Angle

Tri tip of beef is a common summer grill option, but I don’t think I’d ever seen it done as a holiday roast. I tried to think of a reason why it wouldn’t work, but I couldn’t come up with anything. In fact, I decided that not only would this make a great, and more affordable alternative to prime rib, but it would also remind guests of mid-July, which is a proven treatment for winter blues. Side effects may include seconds and thirds.

This is not as tender as a prime rib, but if cooked to the right doneness, you’ll be enjoying juicy, flavorful, and plenty tender enough meat. To that end, I’d avoid the temptation to cook this rare, which can make it too chewy. I like to pull it at 130 F. internal temp, which after resting will give you something closer to medium. For me, this provides the best texture, and an even beefier flavor.

Having said that, there should be something for everyone. Plenty of nice pink meat to go around, and the narrower end will provide just enough well-done for your Aunt. You know, the one who’s afraid to get a brain parasite after watching that show on Discovery Channel.

As I mentioned in the video, any veal, beef, or chicken stock/broth will work for the sauce, but I used a super sticky oxtail broth that I will show at future date. If you can’t wait, simply do our beef stock recipe with oxtails. Anyway, if you’re looking to do a beef roast for the holiday table, I hope you give this peppery tri tip a try. Enjoy!

Ingredients for about 6 portions:
2 1/2 to 3 pound beef tri tip roast, trimmed
3-4 garlic cloves crushed with a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil
salt to taste
enough very coarsely ground black, white, green, and pink peppercorns to cover the surface,
about 4-5 tbsp
Start at 450 F. for 15 minutes, removed and turn roast, reduce heat to 200 F. and roast to an internal temperature of 125-130 F. Let rest 15 minutes!

For the pan sauce;
Reserved pan drippings, about 2 tbsp
1 rounded tablespoon flour
3 cups rich *veal, beef, or chicken broth or stock (or oxtail…coming soon!)
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
salt and cayenne to taste
*Most fancy grocery stores will sell frozen veal stock or demi-glace (already reduced-by-half veal stock), which is great for special occasion sauces like this.

Hungarian beef goulash

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  • 2tbsp vegetable oil
  • 700g braising steak, cut in large chunks
  • 1 onion, roughly chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 2tbsp plain flour
  • 2tbsp Paprika
  • 2 red peppers, deseeded and chopped
  • 2tbsp tomato puree
  • 400g can chopped tomatoes
  • 200ml beef stock
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley
  • Freshly ground black pepper

To serve:

  • Cooked long grain rice
  • Sour cream
  • Pickled cucumber

That’s goodtoknow

For a deeper, spicy flavour try Pimenton which is a Spanish smoked paprika. Either replace the whole amount or mix half and half with regular paprika.


  1. Preheat the oven to 140C/275F/Fan 120C/Gas Mark 1.
  2. Heat the oil in a flame proof casserole and add the braising steak and cook until browned on all sides. Transfer to a plate using a draining spoon. Add the onion and cook for about 5 mins until golden brown. Add the garlic.
  3. Stir in the flour and paprika and stir well. Add the red peppers, tomato puree, chopped tomatoes, beef stock, bay leaf, parsley and black pepper. Bring to simmering point. Cover the casserole with a tightly fitting lid and cook in the oven for 2–2 1/2 hours until the meat is tender. Add extra stock during cooking if necessary.
  4. Serve on rice topped with sour cream and sticks of pickled cucumber.

By Val Barrett

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Gordon’s Chilli con Carne Recipe Serves 4-6 Prep 15…

Gordon’s Chilli con Carne Recipe

Serves 4-6

Prep 15 mins
Cook 35 mins


1 large onion or 2 banana shallots, chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 red chilli deseeded or keep half with seeds if you like it spicy
2 sprigs of thyme, leaves picked and roughly chopped
Olive oil, for frying
500g good quality beef mince
1 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp sweet paprika
1 tsp dried oregano
3 fresh tomatoes or 1 beef tomato, roughly chopped
400g tinned chopped tomatoes
100-200ml chicken or beef stock
3 tbsp tomato puree
1 cinnamon stick
1 bay leaf
400g kidney beans, drained and rinsed
Salt and pepper
Handful of chives, chopped
200ml soured cream
Boiled rice, to serve


Sweat the onion, garlic, chilli and thyme in 2 tablespoons oil in a large saucepan. At the same time, brown the mince in a separate pan over moderate heat in a little oil.

Add the dried spices to the onion mixture and cook until they release their aroma. Then stir in the beef and mix well. Add the fresh and tinned tomatoes and leave to cook down a little for about 5 minutes.

Pour in the chicken or beef stock and stir in tomato puree to taste. Drop the cinnamon and bay leaf in then bring to the boil and leave to simmer.

Once the sauce is beginning to thicken add the kidney beans and leave to cook for another 5-10 minutes to allow the beans to soak up the flavours. Check for seasoning.

Mix the chives and soured cream together. To serve, spoon the chilli into the centre of a mound of rice, with the soured cream and chives in a separate bowl on the side.

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