Tag: Balls

Coconut Balls | Delicious Recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Coconut Balls | Delicious Recipes


THE coconut morsels or balls They are prepared by working butter and powdered sugar until you obtain a mixture to which you will add coffee, lemon peel and grated coconut. Here are the steps of the coconut bites, a delicious finger food dessert.


Oatmeal Balls – ‘s Recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Oatmeal Balls - Misya's Recipe


Place the oats in a bowl, cover with plenty of water and leave to soak for 2-3 hours, then drain.

Place the oats in a pan with water (450g), cover with the lid leaving a crack open and boil over medium-low heat for about 40-45 minutes, until it has absorbed all the water.
Let it cool, then blend it with a hand blender.

Meanwhile, grate the lemon peel and leave it to infuse with the juice.
After blending the oats, place them in a bowl with the egg, lemon, salt, pepper, pecorino and chopped oregano and parsley.
Mix, then add enough breadcrumbs to obtain a soft but malleable mixture.

Form the meatballs, flatten them slightly and cook them in a non-stick pan with hot oil, turning them to brown both sides.

Clean the rocket, wash it, drain it well and use it to make a bed on the serving plate.

The oatmeal meatballs are ready, all you have to do is arrange them on the rocket and serve.


Pandoro and mascarpone balls – Italian Cuisine

»Pandoro and mascarpone balls


First, whip the cream fresh from the fridge, then add it to the mascarpone.
Separately, cut the pandoro into slices and then break it up.

Add the pandoro to the frosting, trying to obtain a uniform mixture, then, with slightly moistened hands, create balls of mixture the size of a walnut, flatten them, put a little nutella in the center and close the mixture on the cream.

Let your truffles rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, then pass them in the cocoa, making it adhere evenly.

The pandoro and mascarpone balls are ready, you just need to serve them.


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