Tag: bake

#LaRicettaCheUnisce: bake the pizza! – The Italian kitchen – Italian Cuisine

#LaRicettaCheUnisce: bake the pizza! - The Italian kitchen


Publish your photo with pizza on Instagram and participate in our very long virtual table that involves all of Italy

Our cooking challenge continues, The Recipe That Joins: we have prepared the carbonara, then the tiramisu and here it is time to cook a nice pizza together! A recipe made to be shared, with friends, family, classmates, the soccer team, the mothers of school … now we are all far away but we can organize a nice pizza anyway, maybe on video on whatsapp or in zoom ?

The recipe of the week: pizza

This week we prepare pizza together. It lends itself to any variation, different flours, seasonings, cooking. Let's start from the basic recipe and then let loose!

How to participate in #LaRicettaCheUnisce

The appointment is on Instagram. Publish your pizza photo is tag your friends challenging them to prepare their tiramisu.
Take pictures with pizza in hand, at the table with friends, in a video call … the most beautiful photos will be published on our profile!
Always remember the hashtag #LaRicettaCheUnisce.
And for those who want to have fun on instagram, our gifs are in the stories!


Rainbow biscuits: bake, draw and taste … # will go all! – Italian Cuisine

Rainbow biscuits: bake, draw and taste ... # will go all!


How can i be reassured? children in this period, in the midst of the emergency Coronavirus? For example by having them draw a rainbow with the inscription # andràtuttobene to hang outside the window for a message of hope like the many that we have seen springing up in our cities.

# will go well: a rainbow to eat

And that same rainbow we can imagine painting it also on gods cookies, to spend a few hours at home doing something fun together and to have something good to enjoy at breakfast or at snack. It is the idea that came to Matteo Cunsolo, baker of La Panetteria di Parabiago and president of the Bakery Association of Milan and its province. Matteo prepared them for his daughters, but then he thought of sharing the recipe with everyone to bring some joy and sweetness to the homes.

How to make rainbow biscuits

Ingredients for the pastry

500 g of flour
230 g of butter
170 g of icing sugar
90 g of yolks

Ingredients for the ice
450 g of icing sugar
90 g of egg white
A few drops of lemon juice
Food coloring


For the pastry
Sand the butter with the flour, then add the icing sugar and finally the yolks. Knead by pinching the dough and the butter in order to mix it with the flour and sugar but making sure that it does not melt with the heat of the hands. Then, knead until a smooth and homogeneous dough is obtained. Let the pastry rest 2-3 hours in the fridge before using it. After the time, roll out the dough with a thickness of 4-5 mm and make the biscuits with the help of a round pasta bowl. Bake at 165-170 degrees for 15 minutes.

For the ice
Mix egg white, icing sugar and 2-3 drops of lemon juice in a bowl (with a whisk, or by hand) until a thick mixture is obtained.

How to decorate

Divide the ice into 8 parts and colored with gel food colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple. Leave a part of white ice to draw the rainbow clouds. Once the colors are prepared, transfer the ice cream to a pastry bag and decorate the biscuits. For the #will go, use dark tempered chocolate or advanced colored ice.


The ice must be used immediately otherwise in contact with the air it tends to dry out; to gain some time, cover it with plastic wrap or with a wet and wrung out paper towel that will keep it of the right consistency to be used.


goodtoknow’s new baking blog

Mum Anneliese Giggins learnt how to bake by baking her way through Mary Berry’s Baking Bible on the wonderful blog Rising to the Berry. Keen to continue her love of baking, Anneliese will be sharing a delicious new baking recipe with us each month – bake along and share all your tips, advice and of course pics!

After spending 18 months baking my way through the wonderful recipes from Mary Berry’s Baking Bible, I have opened my mind to other possibilities and ideas. Nothing too crazy, you understand! I wanted to begin this blog with a nice, simple, but most importantly, tasty cake. I think most of us start baking with a classic sandwich cake, so I hope this is a good place to take a first step. I’m not sure I know of anyone who doesn’t enjoy a slice of lemon drizzle, so why not make it even more tempting by filling it with a luscious lemon curd and mascarpone filling?!


Get Anneliese’s lemon drizzle cake recipe

For me, a sandwich cake summons up an array of childhood memories. I must have made such a cake for almost every family occasion. It was either a vanilla sponge filled with strawberry jam or a chocolate version filled with a generous helping of rich chocolate butter cream. I never imagined I could venture into different flavour combinations; I stayed well within my comfort zone! 

I really hope you enjoy this recipe and that you feel the urge to give it a try. Good luck! 

Anneliese’s top baking tip

My top tip this month is to read through the whole recipe before making a start. It is so frustrating to get halfway through a recipe only to find that you don’t have all the ingredients in stock or that the dried fruit needs to soak in a brandy bath overnight. I know this from experience!! 


Where to next? 


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