Tag: award

Iginio Massari awards Gigi D’Alessio the Artis Suavitas Award – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


It is from the stage of the exceptional setting of the Avella Amphitheatre that Iginio Massari awarded the prize last night The Soft Arts to the singer-songwriter Gigi D’Alessio adding a truly… sweet dedication: «With a good babà you are a tongue twister and your words fly to heaven.

Maestro Iginio Massari, after receiving the award in the 2023 edition, has been a member of the Scientific Committee for a few months now, which has proposed and chosen the personalities considered to be the best of Italianness in the world. In addition to Gigi D’Alessio, the award was given yesterday to Malika Ayane, Massimiliano Fuksas, Roberto Giacobbo, Linton Johnson, Giovanni Liccardo, Mogol, Lorenzo Quinn, The Jackal, Valentina Vignali, Mario Zanetti and, connected with a video message, the Senator for life Liliana Secret.

In addition to Massari, the Scientific Committee of Artis Suavitas includes Maurice De Giovanniwriter, screenwriter, author and playwright, Antonio FiordellisiManager of Zurich Bank, Antonello Paolo Perillojournalist and deputy director of TGR RAI.

Leonardo Marciano Photographer


Iolanda Award 2024, the new edition begins – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


The press conference to present the seventh edition of the event took place today in Milan, at the Gusto Sobrio space Iolanda Awardnational literary competition dedicated to cookbooks and recipes.

The Iolanda Award was born from an idea of Vera Slepoj and Davide Paolini, Presidents of the Award and the Jury, with the desire to establish for the first time a national award dedicated to the best cookbook and recipe book. The Award includes different categories: Cooking and Recipes, Literature on Wine, Healthy Cooking, Memory Recipes, Local Cuisine.

The Jury of the Iolanda Prize

Presidents of the Prize and the Jury: Davide Paolini, Vera Slepoj

Cooking and Recipes Award: Valeria Bisanti, Guido Bosticco, Benedetto Cavalieri, Diego de Leo, Silvio Perrella, Michela Santoro, Giuseppe Seracca Guerrieri, Pietro Torrigiani Malaspina, Paola Trifirò (Iolanda Prize 2021), Marina Valensise

Honorary President of the Wine Literature Award Jury: Lamberto Frescobaldi

Wine Literature Award: Rossana Bettini, Lorenzo Capellini, Gilda Caputo, Stefano Cosma (Iolanda Prize 2021), Massimo d’Amore, Tiziana d’Antoni, Nicola de Castris, Maddalena Fossombroni, Enrico Pandiani (Iolanda Prize 2020), Maurizio Zanella

How to participate

They can participate in the Iolanda Award all Italian publishing houses with a published work on a topic strictly related to recipes and the culture connected to them, such as history, originality, illustrations; the publication period of the candidate works is between 20 September 2023 and 10 August 2024. Judging the literary works will be Italian personalities and excellences linked to the world of Italian culture and cuisine.

Why the Iolanda Award

The name of the project was inspired by Mrs Iolandaa chef from Salento who represents all the child chefs who cooked in the square and contributed to making Italian cuisine an excellence: the Iolanda Award wants to be a tribute to this symbolic figure – since Italian cuisine is a cuisine of knowledge and figures of women, who learned the trade from a very young age, cooking in the family and for parties, the secret and precious recipes that were handed down – and at the same time a way to enhance the great tradition of Italian cuisine, celebrating those recipes that are a inalienable treasure of every family’s history.


Nico Acampora, founder of PizzAut, receives the Guido Carli Award – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Congratulations to Nico Acampora of PizzAut: on May 10th the Guido Carli Award for Social Commitment and Inclusion through work thanks to his magnificent project, the first and only pizzeria chain in Italy managed by autistic children. Starting from his personal experience as a parent, Acampora felt the need to create opportunities for people with autism like his son. To date, with two pizzerias open in Cassina De’ Pecchi and Monza, he is a true visionary entrepreneur.

«It’s not just a question of occupying the kids’ time: whoever decides to create a restaurant like ours must do something real workwith the right training period and the right level of pay. Too often there are companies that approach young people with disabilities to work, but then never hire. Hiring is fundamental because work has immense power: it gives dignity, gives a future and provides kids with tools that without work they would never know they had”, Nico Acampora told us.

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What is the Guido Carli Award?

The Guido Carli Award bears the name of the former governor of Bank of Italy and former Treasury Minister and is awarded every year to personalities who have distinguished themselves for their social commitment, successes in the entrepreneurial field, as well as for having brought prestige to talent and to Italian genius in the world.

Who is on the jury for the 2024 Guido Carli Award?

The special bronze medal minted by the Polygraphic Institute is awarded by a high-level jury made up of CEOs, top managers, entrepreneurs and publishers. After more than a decade, it has been partly renovated and today is made up of:

  • Ornella Barra, COO of International Walgreens Boots Alliance
  • Urbano Cairo, president of Cairo Communication and RCS
  • Flavio Cattaneo, CEO and general director of Enel
  • Claudio Descalzi, CEO of Eni
  • Luigi Ferraris, CEO of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
  • Andrea Illy, president of Illycaffè
  • Matteo Lunelli, president and CEO of Cantine Ferrari
  • Giampiero Massolo, president of Ispi and Mundys
  • Claudia Parzani, president of the Italian Stock Exchange
  • Ettore Prandini, president of Coldiretti
  • Alessandra Ricci, CEO of Sace
  • Stefano Sala, president and CEO of Publitalia ’80


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