Tag: Amadeus

The Amadeus diet? Without salt and without meat but… – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


The Sanremo period opens with the announcement of the competitors. The host Amadeus is already on the front line in perfect shape. How does? Nutrition merit: the Amadeus dietin fact, it is particular and very rigid. It is necessary for him to face all the television challenges he is having in recent years and are already planned for the next ones: “Ama” has in fact been reconfirmed host of the Song Festival until 2024.

Tall and slender, 60 years old – he turned 4 September – the TV presenter from Ravenna has never shown signs of slowing down. Riding high since the 1980s – when he started with Radio Deejay -, Amedeo Umberto Rota Sebastiani – this is his name – never seems to age. “I’m not a foodiethis helps me a lot,” he said.

At 7 years old a bad misadventure

Amadeus has a very healthy diet which unfortunately is the direct consequence of a childhood trauma. In fact, the well-known presenter revealed that he was hospitalized for 2 months in hospital when he was 7 years old due to nephritis. A shock that marked him for life and which inevitably affected his habits, including eating habits. That’s why Amadeus he never adds salt to his dishes. But not only.

The Amadeus diet

Cooking without salt is therefore a healthy habit of the artistic director of the Sanremo Festival who, however, for over 15 years, has also gave up on meat red, to bread and in general to overly processed foods. Furthermore, he is not a good eater: “I eat little, without mixing foods too much”, he revealed

The dish that Amadeus cannot give up

If there’s one thing that Amadeus just can’t give up, it’s pasta. He eats it every day, albeit lightly seasoned or even unaccompanied. “All I need is a plate of pasta and I’m good to go,” she explained in the past. Your favorite condiment? A little bit of tomato sauce light. Pasta with tomato sauce is one of his favorite dishes along with chicken with curry accompanied by rice.

What do you eat during the Festival?

And during the Festival? There is little time, and you always have to be agile and quick because, contrary to what many people think, between rehearsals and live broadcasts, preparation and organisation, there is really a lot of work to do. “Artists and hosts need stay light: I understand, they can’t arrive weighed down when it’s time to go on stage. Amadeus often asked me for one spaghetti with light pestoto eat together with his wife Giovanna Civitillo, and I satisfied him”, revealed during the last edition of the event Pino Bucci, chef of the Globo hotel in Sanremo, where hosts and guests often stay during the days of the Festival.


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