Classic casseroles

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Grilled Honey Mustard Chicken Breasts

Grilled Honey Mustard Chicken Breasts

by Pam on August 27, 2013

I wanted a quick and simple chicken marinade with ingredients I had on hand for dinner. I found the perfect recipe at Simply Scratch[1]. It took minutes to make the marinade/sauce and it tasted fantastic. I marinated the chicken for 3 hours before cooking it up in my grill pan. I served the chicken with the remaining sauce and we all liked it, including my daughter’s friend, who is very picky. My son didn’t like the sauce but thought the chicken was great without it… I didn’t tell him it had marinated in the sauce ☺.

Combine the mustard, honey, lemon juice, paprika, cayenne pepper, and crushed red pepper flakes together in a small bowl. Remove 3 tablespoons of the sauce and reserve it for later.

Place the chicken breasts into a shallow pan. Pour the marinade onto the chicken breasts then toss to coat evenly. Cover with saran wrap and place into the refrigerator to marinate for 2-3 hours.

Heat a grill pan coated with cooking spray over medium heat. Place the chicken into the hot grill pan and cook for 6-7 minutes; flip and continue to cook for 6-7 minutes, or until cooked through. Let the chicken rest on a cutting board for a few minutes before serving. Drizzle the sauce over the chicken or serve on the side. Enjoy.



Grilled Honey Mustard Chicken Breasts

Prep Time: 10 min.

Cook Time: 12-14 min.


1/4 cup of any whole grain mustard
1/4 cup of honey
Juice of 1/2 a small lemon
1 clove of garlic, minced
1/4 tsp paprika
2 dashes of cayenne pepper
2 dashes of red pepper flakes
3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
Sea salt, to taste


Combine the mustard, honey, lemon juice, paprika, cayenne pepper, and crushed red pepper flakes together in a small bowl. Remove 3 tablespoons of the sauce and reserve it for later.

Place the chicken breasts into a shallow pan. Pour the marinade onto the chicken breasts then toss to coat evenly. Cover with saran wrap and place into the refrigerator to marinate for 2-3 hours.

Heat a grill pan coated with cooking spray over medium heat. Place the chicken into the hot grill pan and cook for 6-7 minutes; flip and continue to cook for 6-7 minutes, or until cooked through. Let the chicken rest on a cutting board for a few minutes before serving. Drizzle the sauce over the chicken or serve on the side. Enjoy.

Adapted recipe and photos by For the Love of
Original recipe by Simply Scratch




  1. ^ Simply Scratch (
  2. ^ Print Recipe (
  3. ^ Save to ZipList Recipe Box (

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