Admittedly, the witch joke at the beginning of the video
may have been a little graphic, but that’s what I always think of when I hear the
legend of how these cookies supposedly got their name. As the story goes, when
these sweet treats first made their appearance, people that tasted them were so
taken by the sheer awesomeness, that they went nuts and started running around
shouting, “Whoopie!! Whoopie!!”
how they got the “whoopie” part, at least the rest of the name is not accurate
either. That’s right, not only is this cookie not a pie, this pie isn’t even a
cookie…it’s really a little cake. Confused? Me too, and I just wrote that.
name, at least the gingerbread part is accurate. Although, now that I think
about it, it’s not really a ”bread”…okay, this has to stop. With holiday cookie
exchanges in full swing, the only thing I can say with certainty is that these
whatever-they-are’s were very delicious, fun to make, and I hope you give them
a try soon. Enjoy!
(depending on the size!)