Colorful and healthy dishes, which you can prepare at the last or to be frozen so as to have them ready: let's find out what a freelance lunch is like
It happens to anyone work from home: the temptation to grab anything from the fridge and swallow it in front of the computer is so great. Time seems always to be a little, call and delivery times do not coincide with their own, it is difficult to separate personal life from work. However, to find the right energy and take care of yourself, the freelance he must carefully take care of the lunch, perhaps arranging himself for prepare it in advance. Here are some tips.
Plan all the meals of the week
Go to the supermarket with already the list of everything you could prepare during the week is ideal for buying only what you need and can anticipate some preparations, such as soups or unique dishes. Make a mirror of the menu of the week, so you will not find yourself at the last to open the fridge and get snacks and unhealthy ingredients.
Sandwiches and wraps
There are many workers who complain about eating only sandwiches. But not going to the bar every day you do not have this risk. That's why once or twice a week you can insert one in your freelance lunch greedy sandwich or one stuffed piadina – maybe for that day that you know will be particularly challenging – or a toast or, if you want something different, a avocado toast. Always remember to accompany the sandwiches with a 'salad, green, mixed or tomatoes, so as to take the right dose of vitamins.
The soups and the unique dishes
Prepare a pot of minestrone or a boule of spelled you hate quinoa with vegetables and cheese cubes, for example, is convenient because both preparations are kept in the refrigerator for several days, or even better, in the freezer, in the case of soups, and just defrost them at meal time.
Not the usual ones salads: even the eye in fact wants its part and a colorful meal, greedy and light makes you work again with more energy. Choose a protein, like meat or fish, that you cook quickly. So you just need to grill, for example, fillets of sea bream or chicken breasts and add them to a mix of fresh vegetables.
The extra advice: get away!
Maybe in a few days you will not be able to get it a full hour of lunch breakbut sitting at the computer all day is not good for mood or health. Stop at least half an hour, rather read a book or watch a TV series and savor your meal calmly.