On the eve of Tiramisu Day (March 21st), here comes official recognition for the tiramisu from Treviso: the dessert has been included in the list of PAT – Traditional Agri-Food Products – of Veneto by the Ministry of Agricultural and Food Policies, with the original recipe (eggs, sugar, mascarpone, ladyfingers, coffee and cocoa).
The recognition is an important milestone for Veneto which, behind this dessert, has built a network of excellence in the food, tourism and hospitality fields. They remember it Francesco Redi who, like Tiramisù World Cupworked on the front line for the creation of the dossier that led to the recognition, and Paolo Caratossidis, president of the Venetian Cuisine Festival who created the entire dossier for regional specialties.
The press conference announcing the recognition took place at Le Beccherie restaurant of Treviso, cradle of this dessert, which Paolo Lai, the owner of the restaurantconsiders the “mother house” of tiramisu, with a history and tradition that attracts Italian and foreign tourists visiting the city.
For theVenetian Councilor for Tourism, Federico Caner, «this recognition is a piece of the network that has been created around what is an excellence of Treviso and the entire Veneto. The Tiramisù of Treviso has become an icon in the world, also thanks to the work carried out by the Tiramisù World Cup. In addition, it is part of the food and wine experiences of our land, precisely those that tourists who come here are looking for.” Me too’councilor for the Productive City, Rosanna Vettoretti And Dania Sartorato, president of the Confcommercio provincial union of the province of Treviso they are very happy with a recognition that will be a further incentive to protect, disseminate and promote a recipe that has conquered the whole world.
To celebrate the result achieved together with the many enthusiasts, the cookbook which traditionally comes out on Tiramisu Day (and which collects the most curious recipes of the latest edition of the “most delicious challenge of the year”) can be downloaded for free from 21 March at the direct link to the website of Tiramisu World Cup.