Vegetables to choose in winter to deflate – Italian Cuisine

Black cabbage and dark cheese soup recipe


Which strains to bring to the table to combat bloated tummy and heaviness? Here are the ones low in calories and rich in anti-swelling substances

Lazy bowel, constipation, but also heaviness and a swollen belly can promote the swelling. At the origin of the problem there is often the lifestyle. Not only the overeating, but also the lack of movement. To counter the problem, seasonal vegetables can be excellent allies, but you need to choose the right ones. "Some varieties of the period such as broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower in fact despite having few calories and many healthy virtues, in case of swelling they favor intestinal fermentation and worsen the problem", explains the nutritionist Nicoletta Bocchino. So here are the vegetables to choose in winter to deflate.

Black cabbage

Also called kale or Chinese cabbage, black cabbage is excellent for counteracting bloating problems due to the formation of intestinal gas. "Its leaves are particularly generous in antioxidants including polyphenols that facilitate the work of the liver and facilitate the disposal of toxins," says nutritionist Nicoletta Bocchino. In case of swelling problems, the ideal is to consume them steamed and seasoned with raw extra virgin olive oil, rich in good fats. "This combination allows on the one hand to make the fibers of this vegetable more digestible, on the other hand to better assimilate some fat-soluble vitamins including vitamin E, of which it is also an excellent source".

Red radish

"Consumed raw in salads before the other courses thanks to the richness of fibers, radicchio helps to modulate the assimilation of sugars that in excess can favor swelling and at the same time ensures excellent quantities of vitamin C, a substance that is sensitive to heat , but which has excellent detox properties , says nutritionist Nicoletta Bocchino. "In addition, it provides minerals and antioxidants, including anthocyanins and ellagic acid, which counteract oxidative processes. Thanks to its particularly bitter taste given by the choleretic substances of which it is a source, it stimulates the biliary flow and the work of the liver . It also has a diuretic and draining action and is excellent in case of meteorism problems. "It facilitates the elimination of intestinal gas that favors a swollen belly".


Thistles belong to the same botanical family of artichokes and with these they share many properties including purifying and diuretic. "They are a good source of potassium, a mineral that facilitates the elimination of excess sodium that promotes retention and swelling. They then provide good amounts of ascorbic acid, with an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, and inulin, a fiber that helps to counteract the imbalance of the intestinal microbiota, which in turn promotes swelling ". The perfect match? «With anchovies, which have anti-inflammatory properties.


"Catalonian chicory is a vegetable particularly rich in magnesium, a mineral that stimulates the elimination of excess fluids, responsible for stagnation and retention. Thanks to the presence of "good" fats such as Omega 3 and antioxidants such as flavonoids, it fights inflammatory states, which can promote swelling , explains nutritionist Nicoletta Bocchino. How to consume it? "Raw in salads combined with oranges and walnuts, which thanks to antioxidants and many other substances increase its detox action".


Chard, also called chard, is an excellent vegetable in case of constipation problems. "Provides a high fiber content with a laxative and diuretic action. Its leaves are also rich in substances that help the drainage of liquids such as chlorophyll and phenolic compounds, with a high antioxidant power. In order not to risk losing them, the ideal is to consume it raw or blanched quickly in a little water ".


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