The 6 TV series dedicated to food to see – Italian Cuisine

The 6 TV series dedicated to food to see


To learn new things about cooking, but also to travel from the sofa, savor new dishes with the imagination and have fun

In the cold season it gets dark early and the low temperatures don't make you want to go out. This year we are in full swing lockdown. We have only the television and the kitchen. And how to reconcile the two if not looking at a few tv series about food? Here are six that we have selected for you.

Feed Phil

They have recently come out on Netflix the episodes of the fourth season of Feed Phil. The author and television actor Phil Rosenthal travels the world immersing himself in the cuisine and culture of the place with humor and voracious hunger. In the new episodes we see him at Hawaii (where he tastes poke and huli huli chicken), on the delta del Mississippi (with lots of barbecue sauce and fried lobster), a Singapore (discovering the foods of the "hawker markets"), a San Francisco (including chocolate croissants and encounters with cooking legends) and a Rio de Janeiro (where one is not missing Caipirinha).
To laugh and travel around the world.

The origin of flavors

New episodes on Netflix also for The origin of the flavors, a journey to discover the culinary traditions of China. The new episodes explore the cuisine of Gansu between morsels of sheep entrails, lily root to be enjoyed in the oven, steamed or sauteed, and niang pi, a dish of noodles cold dishes based on gluten seasoned with sesame, cucumber and chilli oil.
For true enthusiasts.

Italy in bites

It is airing right now on Food Network (digital terrestrial channel 33) the new season of Italy in bites, a journey through Italy to discover the beauties and flavors of our country in the company of the famous foodblogger Chiara Maci. In each episode Chiara visits a city, meets local producers and is hosted by a housewife who makes her taste a typical menu prepared with her secretly kept recipes. In the last episode, the foodblogger is in Friuli Venezia Giulia and the main dishes are cooked salami, selinka and cuttlefish boretto. First viewing on Wednesdays at 10pm, the episodes can be reviewed on Dplay.
To travel along the boot and enhance Italian traditions.

Chef's table

If you have never seen it, you must absolutely recover. Made for Netflix, Chef's Table is a series of documentaries that tell, in each episode, the story of a world-famous chef entering his life and his kitchen where he reinterprets the symbolic dishes of his country. The last season is the sixth (released in 2019) and features, among others, Dario Cecchini, king of Florentine steak. In the past, for Italy, they participated Massimo Bottura is Corrado Assenza.
To be fully prepared on the subject.

Ugly Delicious

The best food in the world? The Korean / American star of the kitchen David Chang it is constantly looking for it. The second season of Ugly Delicious up Netflix makes us travel with him between Mumbai, Tokyo, Sydney is Istanbul. The chef will be struggling with meat on the spit, with steaks between refined restaurants and steakhouses, with the secrets of curry and even with baby food and dishes for children.
To listen to important messages about food with a smile.

The apartment

Aired on Gambero Rosso Channel (Sky channel 132 and 412) the second season of The apartment, a program born during the first lockdown starring the chef Simone Cipriani, of the Essential restaurant in Florence, and his roommates, Nicholas aka Buba (wine expert) and the (curious) cat Ghizmo. In each episode, the chef prepares three simple but tasty dishes from an anti-waste point of view, Buba proposes pairing with wine, while Ghizmo makes everything more fun.
To learn new dishes and have fun.


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