1) Knead semolina with sparkling wine and egg yolks for 5 minutes, wrap the dough in foil and let it rest for 30 minutes. Peel the potatoes, cut them into small cubes and immerse them in cold water. Resume the pasta, roll it out into sheets of 2 mm thick and make the spaghetti with the special die of the machine (or use the guitar, if you have it, pressing the strips of dough with a rolling pin). Flour lightly the spaghetti and continue until the dough is finished.
2) Transfer potatoes in a pan with cold water, bring it to the boil, add salt, add the pasta and boil it with the potatoes for 3-4 minutes. Drain all, keeping the cooking water aside.
3) Melt the butter in a pan, add 1 ladle of the water from the pasta kept aside and emulsify over a high flame. Relocate pasta and potatoes, drained, mixed and distributed on plates. Let it cool down And completed with caviar and a pinch of turmeric.
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