Black cabbage is the vegetable that cannot be missing on our tables in the cold months. That's why and the most delicious recipes to bring it to the table
It is the real protagonist on the table of the colder months, the kale or kale in addition to being a tasty and tasty vegetable, ideal in the kitchen for the preparation of numerous recipes, it is considered a real superfood for its remarkable beneficial properties.
The many virtues of black cabbage
Black cabbage belongs to the “leaf” variety of cabbage, which unlike cauliflower and broccoli, do not develop a central head. Also called Tuscan cabbage, feather cabbage or palm cabbage, it is formed by a clump of long, curled dark green leaves with bluish hues. A typical winter vegetable, aromatic and tasty, it is the main ingredient of ribollita, a traditional Tuscan soup but as we shall see, it is a versatile ingredient that is the protagonist of many recipes.
In addition to being tasty and tasty, black cabbage has numerous virtues that make it a food very important for our health. Like all vegetables belonging to the cabbage family, it is very rich in antioxidants, mineral salts and vitamins, C in particular; it is a natural anti-inflammatory and is able to strengthen our immune defenses. Recent studies also indicate it as particularly useful in the prevention of tumors, in the treatment of gastric ulcer and as a formidable natural shield against the flu.
Steamed or centrifuged, added to salads or soups, a base for simple or elaborate dishes, for all its beneficial properties it is important to consume it regularly.
How to cook black cabbage
To fully enjoy its properties, the best way to consume black cabbage is boil it in boiling water.
Detach the leaves from the head, remove the central rib by separating the leaves with your hands. If the leaves are very leathery, you can help yourself with a small knife. You can boil the cabbage in boiling salted water for 3 '. Once drained, immerse it in cold salted water with ice: in this way the leaves will keep their bright color.
Another cooking method is the brazing: place it in a pan in a sautéed shallot and oil and, when it has softened, add salt. It is ready for consumption or to complement soups, such as the traditional Tuscan ribollita.
Our recipes with black cabbage
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